The {@code ClassLoadingService} then communicates with the {@code GridNode}which submitted the {@code GridJob}, and obtains the required class, and returns it to the requesting worker {@code GridNode}.
Furthermore, the {@code GridNodeClassLoader} keeps a local cache of loadedclasses, which is used to improve performance when required to load same class multiple times, for each GridTask execution.
This local cache is implemented along with the support provided by the JVM to load previously loaded classes from its own internal cache.
{@code GridNodeClassLoader} is supposed to be instantiated for each{@code GridJob} executed at a node. The JobId is required to communicate withthe {@code ClassLoadingService}, to identify the node which originally submitted the {@code GridJob}. @author Yohan Liyanage @version 1.0 @see GridArchiveClassLoader @see ClassLoadingService