Package org.nasutekds.server.replication.protocol

Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.protocol.InitializeRequestMsg

      msg = server2.receive();
      if (!(msg instanceof InitializeRequestMsg))
        fail(testCase + " Message received by S2 is of unexpected class" + msg);
      InitializeRequestMsg initMsg = (InitializeRequestMsg)msg;

      // S2 publishes entries to S1
      makeBrokerPublishEntries(server2, server2ID, initMsg.getSenderID(),

      // Wait for task (import) completion in S1
      waitTaskCompleted(taskInitFromS2, TaskState.COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY,
          0, updatedEntries.length);
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      // Not needed anymore since OpenReplicationSession
      // checks for session establishment ?
      // Thread.sleep(3000);

      InitializeRequestMsg initMsg = new InitializeRequestMsg(EXAMPLE_DN,
        server2ID, server1ID, 100);

      // Signal RS we just entered the full update status
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      // Thread.sleep(500);

      // S3 sends init request
      log(testCase + " server 3 Will send reqinit to " + server1ID);
      InitializeRequestMsg initMsg =
        new InitializeRequestMsg(EXAMPLE_DN, server3ID, server1ID, 100);

      // S3 should receive target, entries & done
      log(testCase + " Wait for InitializeTargetMsg");
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    UpdateMsg update = null;

    while (update == null)
      InitializeRequestMsg initReqMsg = null;
      ReplicationMsg msg;
        msg = broker.receive(true, true, false);
        if (msg == null)
          // The server is in the shutdown process
          return null;

        if (debugEnabled())
          if (!(msg instanceof HeartbeatMsg))
            TRACER.debugVerbose("Message received <" + msg + ">");

        if (msg instanceof AckMsg)
          AckMsg ack = (AckMsg) msg;
        else if (msg instanceof InitializeRequestMsg)
          // Another server requests us to provide entries
          // for a total update
          initReqMsg = (InitializeRequestMsg)msg;
        else if (msg instanceof InitializeTargetMsg)
          // Another server is exporting its entries to us
          InitializeTargetMsg initTargetMsg = (InitializeTargetMsg) msg;

          // This must be done while we are still holding the
          // broker lock because we are now going to receive a
          // bunch of entries from the remote server and we
          // want the import thread to catch them and
          // not the ListenerThread.
          initialize(initTargetMsg, initTargetMsg.getSenderID());
        else if (msg instanceof ErrorMsg)
          ErrorMsg errorMsg = (ErrorMsg)msg;
          if (ieContext != null)
            // This is an error termination for the 2 following cases :
            // - either during an export
            // - or before an import really started
            //    For example, when we publish a request and the
            //    replicationServer did not find the import source.
            // A remote error during the import will be received in the
            // receiveEntryBytes() method.
            if (debugEnabled())
                  "[IE] processErrorMsg:" + this.serverID +
                  " serviceID: " + this.serviceID +
                  " Error Msg received: " + errorMsg);

            if (errorMsg.getCreationTime() > ieContext.startTime)
              // consider only ErrorMsg that relate to the current import/export
              // Simply log - happen when the ErrorMsg relates to a previous
              // attempt of initialization while we have started a new one
              // on this side.
            // Simply log - happen if import/export has been terminated
            // on our side before receiving this ErrorMsg.
        else if (msg instanceof ChangeStatusMsg)
          ChangeStatusMsg csMsg = (ChangeStatusMsg)msg;
        else if (msg instanceof UpdateMsg)
          update = (UpdateMsg) msg;
        else if (msg instanceof InitializeRcvAckMsg)
          if (ieContext != null)
            InitializeRcvAckMsg ackMsg = (InitializeRcvAckMsg) msg;
            ieContext.setAckVal(ackMsg.getSenderID(), ackMsg.getNumAck());
          // Trash this msg When no input/export is running/should never happen
      catch (SocketTimeoutException e)
        // just retry
      // Test if we have received and export request message and
      // if that's the case handle it now.
      // This must be done outside of the portion of code protected
      // by the broker lock so that we keep receiveing update
      // when we are doing and export and so that a possible
      // closure of the socket happening when we are publishing the
      // entries to the remote can be handled by the other
      // replay thread when they call this method and therefore the
      // broker.receive() method.
      if (initReqMsg != null)
        // Do this work in a thread to allow replay thread continue working
        ExportThread exportThread = new ExportThread(
            initReqMsg.getSenderID(), initReqMsg.getInitWindow());

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      // update the task.

      acquireIEContext(true)//test and set if no import already in progress
      ieContext.initializeTask = initTask;
      ieContext.attemptCnt = 0;
      ieContext.initReqMsgSent = new InitializeRequestMsg(
          serviceID, serverID, source, this.initWindow);

      // Publish Init request msg
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Related Classes of org.nasutekds.server.replication.protocol.InitializeRequestMsg

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