Package org.nasutekds.server.replication.protocol

Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.protocol.DeleteContext

    catch (DirectoryException e)
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    op.setAttachment(SYNCHROCONTEXT, new DeleteContext(cn1, "uniqueid 1"));
    DeleteMsg msg1 = new DeleteMsg(op);
    op.setAttachment(SYNCHROCONTEXT, new DeleteContext(cn2, "uniqueid 2"));
    DeleteMsg msg2 = new DeleteMsg(op);

    return new Object[][] {
       {msg1, msg1, 0},
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      Message msg = ERR_REPLICATION_COULD_NOT_CONNECT.get(baseDn.toString());
      return new SynchronizationProviderResult.StopProcessing(
          ResultCode.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM, msg);

    DeleteContext ctx =
      (DeleteContext) deleteOperation.getAttachment(SYNCHROCONTEXT);
    Entry deletedEntry = deleteOperation.getEntryToDelete();

    if (ctx != null)
       * This is a replication operation
       * Check that the modified entry has the same entryuuid
       * as it was in the original message.
      String operationEntryUUID = ctx.getEntryUid();
      String modifiedEntryUUID = EntryHistorical.getEntryUuid(deletedEntry);
      if (!operationEntryUUID.equals(modifiedEntryUUID))
         * The changes entry is not the same entry as the one on
         * the original change was performed.
         * Probably the original entry was renamed and replaced with
         * another entry.
         * We must not let the change proceed, return a negative
         * result and set the result code to NO_SUCH_OBJET.
         * When the operation will return, the thread that started the
         * operation will try to find the correct entry and restart a new
         * operation.
        return new SynchronizationProviderResult.StopProcessing(
            ResultCode.NO_SUCH_OBJECT, null);
      // There is no replication context attached to the operation
      // so this is not a replication operation.
      ChangeNumber changeNumber = generateChangeNumber(deleteOperation);
      String modifiedEntryUUID = EntryHistorical.getEntryUuid(deletedEntry);
      ctx = new DeleteContext(changeNumber, modifiedEntryUUID);
      deleteOperation.setAttachment(SYNCHROCONTEXT, ctx);

      synchronized (replayOperations)
        int size = replayOperations.size();
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private boolean solveNamingConflict(DeleteOperation op,
     LDAPUpdateMsg msg)
   ResultCode result = op.getResultCode();
   DeleteContext ctx = (DeleteContext) op.getAttachment(SYNCHROCONTEXT);
   String entryUid = ctx.getEntryUid();

   if (result == ResultCode.NO_SUCH_OBJECT)
      * Find if the entry is still in the database.
     DN currentDn = findEntryDN(entryUid);
     if (currentDn == null)
        * The entry has already been deleted, either because this delete
        * has already been replayed or because another concurrent delete
        * has already done the job.
        * In any case, there is is nothing more to do.
       return true;
        * This entry has been renamed, replay the delete using its new DN.
       return false;
   else if (result == ResultCode.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NONLEAF)
      * This may happen when we replay a DELETE done on a master
      * but children of this entry have been added on another master.
      * Rename all the children by adding entryuuid in dn and delete this entry.
      * The action taken here must be consistent with the actions
      * done in the solveNamingConflict(AddOperation) method
      * when we are adding an entry whose parent entry has already been deleted.
     if (findAndRenameChild(entryUid, op.getEntryDN(), op))

     return false;
     // The other type of errors can not be caused by naming conflicts.
     // Log a message for the repair tool.
     Message message = ERR_ERROR_REPLAYING_OPERATION.get(
         op.toString(), ctx.getChangeNumber().toString(),
         result.toString(), op.getErrorMessage().toString());
     return true;
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Related Classes of org.nasutekds.server.replication.protocol.DeleteContext

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