Package org.nasutekds.server.replication.plugin.LDAPReplicationDomain

Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.plugin.LDAPReplicationDomain.FractionalConfig

    ImportFractionalContext importFractionalContext =

    DN entryDn = entry.getDN();
    FractionalConfig localFractionalConfig = null;

    // If no context, create it
    if (importFractionalContext == null)
        // Insure antoher thread was not creating the context at the same time
        // (we would create it for the second time which is useless)
        importFractionalContext = importSessionContexts.get(importConfig);
        if (importFractionalContext == null)
           * Create context

           * Retrieve the replicated domain this entry belongs to. Try to
           * retrieve replication domain instance first. If we are in an online
           * server, we should get it (if we are treating an entry that belongs
           * to a replicated domain), otherwise the domain is not replicated or
           * we are in an offline server context (import-ldif command run with
           * offline server) and we must retrieve the fractional configuration
           * directly from the configuration management system.
          LDAPReplicationDomain domain =
            MultimasterReplication.findDomain(entryDn, null);

          // Get the fractional configuration extracted from the local server
          // configuration for the currently imported domain
          if (domain == null)
            // Server may be offline, attempt to find fractional configuration
            // from config sub-system
              localFractionalConfig =
            } catch (Exception ex)
              Message message = ERR_FRACTIONAL_COULD_NOT_RETRIEVE_CONFIG.get(
              return PluginResult.ImportLDIF.stopEntryProcessing(message);
          } else
            // Found a live domain, retrieve the fractional configuration from
            // it.
            localFractionalConfig = domain.getFractionalConfig();
          // Create context and store it
          importFractionalContext =
            new ImportFractionalContext(localFractionalConfig, domain);
          importSessionContexts.put(importConfig, importFractionalContext);

    // Extract the fractional configuration from the context
    localFractionalConfig = importFractionalContext.getFractionalConfig();
    if (localFractionalConfig == null)
      // Not part of a replicated domain : nothing to do
      return PluginResult.ImportLDIF.continueEntryProcessing();

     * At this point, either the domain instance has been found and we  use its
     * fractional configuration, or the server is offline and we use the parsed
     * fractional configuration. We differentiate both cases testing if domain
     * is null. We are also for sure handling an entry of a replicated suffix.

    // Is the entry to handle the root entry of the domain ? If yes, analyze the
    // fractional configuration in it and compare with local fractional
    // configuration. Stop the import if some inconsistency is detected
    DN replicatedDomainBaseDn = localFractionalConfig.getBaseDn();
    if (replicatedDomainBaseDn.equals(entryDn))
       * This is the root entry, try to read a fractional configuration from it
      Iterator<String> exclIt = null;
      AttributeType fractionalExcludeType =
      List<Attribute> exclAttrs =
      Attribute exclAttr = null;
      if (exclAttrs != null)
        exclAttr = exclAttrs.get(0);
        if (exclAttr != null)
          exclIt = new AttributeValueStringIterator(exclAttr.iterator());

      Iterator<String> inclIt = null;
      AttributeType fractionalIncludeType =
      List<Attribute> inclAttrs =
      Attribute inclAttr = null;
      if (inclAttrs != null)
        inclAttr = inclAttrs.get(0);
        if (inclAttr != null)
          inclIt = new AttributeValueStringIterator(inclAttr.iterator());

      // Compare backend and local fractional configuration
      boolean sameConfig = LDAPReplicationDomain.
        isFractionalConfigConsistent(localFractionalConfig, exclIt, inclIt);
      if (localFractionalConfig.isFractional())
        // Local domain is fractional
        if (sameConfig)
          // Both local and remote fractional configuration are equivalent :
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Related Classes of org.nasutekds.server.replication.plugin.LDAPReplicationDomain.FractionalConfig

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