private MessageProcessor createMessageProcessor() throws MuleException
MessageProcessorChainBuilder chainBuilder = new DefaultMessageProcessorChainBuilder();
chainBuilder.chain(new AbstractInterceptingMessageProcessor()
public MuleEvent process(MuleEvent event) throws MuleException
/* If the requestBody variable is set, it will be used as the payload to send instead
* of the payload of the message. This will happen when an operation required no input parameters. */
if (requestBody != null)
MuleEvent result = processNext(event);
return result;
catch (DispatchException e)
/* When a Soap Fault is returned in the response, CXF raises a SoapFault exception.
* We need to wrap the information of this exception into a new exception of the WS consumer module */
if (e.getCause() instanceof SoapFault)
SoapFault soapFault = (SoapFault) e.getCause();
throw new SoapFaultException(event, soapFault.getFaultCode(), soapFault.getSubCode(),
soapFault.getMessage(), soapFault.getDetail());
throw e;
// Add a message processor that removes the invocation property CxfConstants.OPERATION if present
// (as it may change the behavior of CXF proxy client). It is added again after executing the proxy client.
chainBuilder.chain(new AbstractInterceptingMessageProcessor()
public MuleEvent process(MuleEvent event) throws MuleException
Object operation = event.getMessage().removeProperty(CxfConstants.OPERATION, PropertyScope.INVOCATION);
MuleEvent result = processNext(event);
if (operation != null)
result.getMessage().setInvocationProperty(CxfConstants.OPERATION, operation);
return result;
chainBuilder.chain(new AbstractInterceptingMessageProcessor()
public MuleEvent process(MuleEvent event) throws MuleException
// Remove outbound properties that are mapped to SOAP headers, so that the