Subclass of {@link org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LoggerContext}which adds some information about the mule artifact being logged.
The most important function of this class though is to override the {@link #reconfigure()} method to to its inherited purpose plusinvoking {@link org.mule.module.launcher.log4j2.LoggerContextConfigurer#configure(MuleLoggerContext)}.
The {@link org.mule.module.launcher.log4j2.LoggerContextConfigurer} needs to be invoked here sothat it's invoked each time the configuration is reloaded.
This class must not hold any reference to a {@link java.lang.ClassLoader} since otherwise{@link org.apache.logging.log4j.core.Logger} instances held on static fields will makethat class loader GC unreachable
@since 3.6.0