This component grabs a {link MuleLoggerContext} which has just been created reading a configuration file and applies configuration changes to it so that it complies with mule's logging strategy.
Its basic functions are:
- Disable log4j's shutdown hook so that it doesn't collide with mule's {@link org.mule.module.launcher.artifact.ShutdownListener}, which would result in a classloader leak.
- When using a default configuration (one which doesn't come from a config file), the console appender is removed
- if the classloader is an {@link org.mule.module.launcher.artifact.ArtifactClassLoader}, then it adds a rolling file appender to collect the artifact's logs
- if the configuration did not include a monitorInterval, then one is set to a default value of 60
- if the context is standalone, then it adds a rolling file appender associated to the artifact
- if the context is not standalone, then it just logs to a file named mule-main.log
@since 3.6.0