* and a target instance has a method accepting MuleEventContext, proceed to call
* this method, ignore the method override parameter.
public void testMethodOverrideIgnoredWithEventContext() throws Exception
EntryPointResolverSet resolverSet = new LegacyEntryPointResolverSet();
RequestContext.setEvent(getTestEvent(new FruitLover("Yummy!")));
// those are usually set on the endpoint and copied over to the message
final String methodName = "nosuchmethod";
final String propertyName = MuleProperties.MULE_METHOD_PROPERTY;
RequestContext.getEventContext().getMessage().setOutboundProperty(propertyName, methodName);
resolverSet.invoke(new Kiwi(), RequestContext.getEventContext());
fail("no such method on service");
catch (EntryPointNotFoundException e)
// expected