A configurable class that can be used to represent custom CSS style options for the chart, which can then be set on various other configuration objects (e.g. {@link Chart#setStyle(Style)}, {@link ChartTitle#setStyle(Style)}, etc.). Example usage:
chart.setStyle( new Style() .setOption("fontFamily", "serif") );
Note that some convenience methods are provided on this class for setting commonly used CSS options (such as {@link #setColor(String)}, {@link #setFontFamily(String)}, {@link #setFontSize(String)}, etc). But, any arbitrary CSS option can be set by simply using the {@link #setOption(String,Object)} method. E.g., the following twolines are equivalent:
style.setFontFamily("serif"); style.setOption("fontFamily", "serif");
@author squinn@moxiegroup.com (Shawn Quinn)
@since 1.0.0