// set prospectiveBalance to large negative to indicate no lane change when not safe
double prospectiveBalance = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
final int currentLane = me.lane();
final int newLane = currentLane + direction;
assert newLane >= Lanes.MOST_INNER_LANE && newLane <= roadSegment.laneCount();
final LaneSegment newLaneSegment = roadSegment.laneSegment(newLane);
if (newLaneSegment.type() == Lanes.Type.ENTRANCE) {
// never change lane into an entrance lane
return prospectiveBalance;
final Vehicle newFront = newLaneSegment.frontVehicle(me);
if (newFront != null) {
if (newFront.inProcessOfLaneChange()) {
return prospectiveBalance;
final double gapFront = me.getNetDistance(newFront);
if (gapFront < param.getMinimumGap()) {
return prospectiveBalance;
final Vehicle newBack = newLaneSegment.rearVehicle(me);
if (newBack != null) {
if (newBack.inProcessOfLaneChange()) {
return prospectiveBalance;
final double gapRear = newBack.getNetDistance(me);
if (gapRear < param.getMinimumGap()) {
return prospectiveBalance;
final LaneSegment currentLaneSegment = roadSegment.laneSegment(currentLane);
final Vehicle oldFront = currentLaneSegment.frontVehicle(me);
if (oldFront != null) {
if (oldFront.inProcessOfLaneChange()) {
return prospectiveBalance;
// new situation: newBack with me as leader and following left lane cases
// TO_LEFT --> just the actual situation
// TO_RIGHT --> consideration of left-lane (with me's leader) has no effect
// temporarily add the current vehicle to the new lane to calculate the new accelerations
final int index = newLaneSegment.addVehicleTemp(me);
final double newBackNewAcc = newBack == null ? 0 : newBack.calcAccModel(newLaneSegment, null);
final double meNewAcc = me.calcAccModel(newLaneSegment, null);
if (safetyCheckAcceleration(newBackNewAcc)) {
return prospectiveBalance;
// check now incentive criterion
// consider three vehicles: me, oldBack, newBack
// old situation for me
final double meOldAcc = me.calcAccModel(currentLaneSegment, null);
// old situation for old back
// in old situation same left lane as me
final Vehicle oldBack = currentLaneSegment.rearVehicle(me);
final double oldBackOldAcc = (oldBack != null) ? oldBack.calcAccModel(currentLaneSegment, null) : 0.0;
// old situation for new back: just provides the actual left-lane situation
final double newBackOldAcc = (newBack != null) ? newBack.calcAccModel(newLaneSegment, null) : 0.0;
// new situation for new back:
final double oldBackNewAcc;
if (oldBack == null) {
oldBackNewAcc = 0.0;
} else {
// cannot temporarily remove the current vehicle from the current lane, since we are in a loop
// that iterates over the vehicles in the current lane. So calculate oldBackNewAcc based on just
// the front vehicle.
if (currentLaneSegment.frontVehicle(me) != null) { // TODO remove quickhack for avoiding nullpointer
oldBackNewAcc = oldBack.getLongitudinalModel().calcAcc(oldBack, currentLaneSegment.frontVehicle(me));
} else {
oldBackNewAcc = 0.0;
// currentLaneSegment.removeVehicle(me);
// oldBackNewAcc = oldBack.calcAccModel(currentLaneSegment, null);
// currentLaneSegment.addVehicle(me);
// MOBIL trade-off for driver and neighborhood
final double oldBackDiffAcc = oldBackNewAcc - oldBackOldAcc;
final double newBackDiffAcc = newBackNewAcc - newBackOldAcc;
final double meDiffAcc = meNewAcc - meOldAcc;
final int changeTo = newLaneSegment.lane() - currentLaneSegment.lane();
// hack for CCS
if (me.getLongitudinalModel().modelName() == ModelName.CCS) {
double biasForced = 10000;
double biasNormal = 0.02;
double bias;
final int laneCount = roadSegment.laneCount();
if (roadSegment.laneSegment(currentLane).type() == Lanes.Type.ENTRANCE) {
double factor = (currentLane > 0.5 * (laneCount - 1)) ? (laneCount - currentLane) : (currentLane + 1);
// System.out.println("currentLane: " + currentLane + " factor*biasForced=" + factor * biasForced);
return biasForced * factor;
// assume increasing lane index from right to left
bias = +2 * biasNormal / (laneCount - 1) * (currentLane - (0.5 * (laneCount - 1)));
prospectiveBalance = meDiffAcc + param.getPoliteness() * (oldBackDiffAcc + newBackDiffAcc)
- param.getThresholdAcceleration() - bias * direction;
// ###########################################################
// new hack: bias considering BOTH the plus and the minus lane
// Parameter considering BOTH the plus and the minus lane
double vc = 0.5; // maximum speed for the method to be effective
double biasmax = 50; // maximum bias
double fracCoop = 0.8; // fraction of cooperative runners/vehicles
double b = 10; // normal deceleration (=b in acc models)
double dt = 0.2; // !! get elsewhere!!
// local variables need for both (1) and (2)
int lanePlus = currentLane + direction;
int laneMinus = currentLane - direction;
if ((Math.min(lanePlus, laneMinus) < Lanes.MOST_INNER_LANE) || (Math.max(lanePlus, laneMinus) > laneCount)) {
return prospectiveBalance;
final LaneSegment laneSegmentPlus = roadSegment.laneSegment(lanePlus);
final LaneSegment laneSegmentMinus = roadSegment.laneSegment(laneMinus);
final Vehicle frontPlus = laneSegmentPlus.frontVehicle(me);
final Vehicle rearPlus = laneSegmentPlus.rearVehicle(me);
final Vehicle frontMinus = laneSegmentMinus.frontVehicle(me);
final Vehicle rearMinus = laneSegmentMinus.rearVehicle(me);
if ((frontPlus == null) || (frontMinus == null) || (rearPlus == null) || (rearMinus == null)) {
return prospectiveBalance;
double vPlus = Math.min(frontPlus.getSpeed(), rearPlus.getSpeed());