final boolean qualifyExpandedColumns = context.getHints().qualifyExpandedColumnNames;
if (columns == null || columns.isEmpty()) {
// SELECT *, so find all of the columns that are available from all the sources ...
for (Map.Entry<SelectorName, Table> entry : selectors.entrySet()) {
SelectorName tableName = entry.getKey();
Table table = entry.getValue();
// Add the selector that is being used ...
// Compute the columns from this selector ...
allColumnsFor(table, tableName, newColumns, newTypes, qualifyExpandedColumns);
} else {
// Add the selector used by each column ...
for (Column column : columns) {
SelectorName tableName = column.selectorName();
// Add the selector that is being used ...
// Verify that each column is available in the appropriate source ...
Table table = selectors.get(tableName);
if (table == null) {
context.getProblems().addError(GraphI18n.tableDoesNotExist, tableName);
} else {
// Make sure that the column is in the table ...
String columnName = column.getPropertyName();
if ("*".equals(columnName) || columnName == null) {
// This is a 'SELECT *' on this source, but this source is one of multiple sources ...
// See; TCK test expects 'true' for last param
allColumnsFor(table, tableName, newColumns, newTypes, qualifyExpandedColumns);
} else {
// This is a particular column, so add it ...
if (!newColumns.contains(column)) {
if (multipleSelectors && column.getPropertyName().equals(column.getColumnName())) {
column = column.withColumnName(column.getSelectorName() + "." + column.getColumnName());
org.modeshape.jcr.query.validate.Schemata.Column schemaColumn = table.getColumn(columnName);
if (schemaColumn != null) {
} else {
boolean validateColumnExistance = context.getHints().validateColumnExistance && !table.hasExtraColumns();
boolean columnNameIsWildcard = columnName == null || "*".equals(columnName);
if (!columnNameIsWildcard && table.getColumn(columnName) == null && validateColumnExistance) {
context.getProblems().addError(GraphI18n.columnDoesNotExistOnTable, columnName, tableName);