// Save the change to the child references. Note that we only need to generate events for renames;
// moves (to the same or another parent), removes, and inserts are all recorded as changes in the
// child node, and events are generated handled when we process
// the child node.
ChangedChildren changedChildren = node.changedChildren();
MutableChildReferences appended = node.appended(false);
if ((changedChildren == null || changedChildren.isEmpty()) && (appended != null && !appended.isEmpty())) {
// Just appended children ...
translator.changeChildren(doc, changedChildren, appended);
} else if (changedChildren != null && !changedChildren.isEmpty()) {
if (!changedChildren.getRemovals().isEmpty()) {
// This node is not being removed (or added), but it has removals, and we have to calculate the paths
// of the removed nodes before we actually change the child references of this node.
for (NodeKey removed : changedChildren.getRemovals()) {
CachedNode persistent = persistedCache.getNode(removed);
if (persistent != null) {
if (appended != null && appended.hasChild(persistent.getKey())) {
// the same node has been both removed and appended => reordered at the end
ChildReference appendedChildRef = node.getChildReferences(this).getChild(persistent.getKey());
newPath = pathFactory().create(sessionPaths.getPath(node), appendedChildRef.getSegment());
Path oldPath = workspacePaths.getPath(persistent);
changes.nodeReordered(persistent.getKey(), primaryType, mixinTypes, node.getKey(), newPath,
oldPath, null, queryable);
// Now change the children ...
translator.changeChildren(doc, changedChildren, appended);
// Generate events for renames, as this is only captured in the parent node ...
Map<NodeKey, Name> newNames = changedChildren.getNewNames();
if (!newNames.isEmpty()) {
for (Map.Entry<NodeKey, Name> renameEntry : newNames.entrySet()) {
NodeKey renamedKey = renameEntry.getKey();
CachedNode oldRenamedNode = persistedCache.getNode(renamedKey);
if (oldRenamedNode == null) {
// The node was created in this session, so we can ignore this ...
Path renamedFromPath = workspacePaths.getPath(oldRenamedNode);
Path renamedToPath = pathFactory().create(renamedFromPath.getParent(), renameEntry.getValue());
changes.nodeRenamed(renamedKey, renamedToPath, renamedFromPath.getLastSegment(), primaryType,
mixinTypes, queryable);
if (isExternal) {
// generate reordering events for nodes which have not been reordered to the end
Map<NodeKey, SessionNode.Insertions> insertionsByBeforeKey = changedChildren.getInsertionsByBeforeKey();
for (SessionNode.Insertions insertion : insertionsByBeforeKey.values()) {
for (ChildReference insertedRef : insertion.inserted()) {
CachedNode insertedNodePersistent = persistedCache.getNode(insertedRef);
CachedNode insertedNode = getNode(insertedRef.getKey());
Path nodeNewPath = sessionPaths.getPath(insertedNode);