List<String> colNames = new ArrayList<String>();
colNames.add(0, "Name");
IUtilTable utilTable = UtilTableCreator.create(colNames);
List<IRow> rows = new ArrayList<IRow>();
for ( EntityInfo entity : entities ) {
Orr.log("_createOtherWidgetForEntities: entity=" + entity.getUri());
// vals: propName -> all corresp. values
final Map<String, String> vals = new HashMap<String, String>();
List<PropValue> props = entity.getProps();
for ( PropValue pv : props ) {
// Issue 310: multiple property values not shown
// Simply put as value the concatenation of all the values for the same property:
final String n = pv.getPropName();
final String v = pv.getValueName();
String rv = vals.get(n);
//Orr.log("_createOtherWidgetForEntities: n=" + n + " v=" +v+ " rv=" +rv);
if (rv == null) {
rv = v;
else {
rv += ", " + v;
vals.put(n, rv);
vals.put("Name", entity.getLocalName());
rows.add(new RowAdapter() {
public String getColValue(String sortColumn) {
return vals.get(sortColumn);
return utilTable.getWidget();