AttrDef[] general_attrs = general_attr_list.toArray(new AttrDef[general_attr_list.size()]);
attrGroups = new AttrGroup[] {
new AttrGroup("General",
"These fields capture general information about this ontology, who created it, and where it came from. " +
"The two attributes \"Resource type\" and \"Authority abbreviation\" are used to construct the URIs " +
"for the vocabulary and terms. In our system, they can contain only letters, " +
"numbers, underscores, and (not recommended) hyphens, and begin with a letter.",
new AttrGroup("Usage/License/Permissions",
"The Usage, License, and Permissions fields help keep track of how we obtained this vocabulary " +
"(and know it is OK to serve to others), and on what terms other people can use it.",
new AttrDef[] {
.setLabel("Manager of source vocabulary")
.setTooltip("Who actively maintains the source vocabulary (used to build the ontology) and " +
"the changes to it. Specify an individual or very specific organization, by name or " +
"as a URI. Include phone, mail, and URL in parentheses after the specification, " +
"if available: First Last (831-nnn-nnnn,, " +
"If the vocabulary is not actively maintained, put \"None\" in this field.")
.setExample("Athena Project")
.setLabel("Contact/Responsible Party")
.setTooltip("Who is responsible for distribution of the vocabulary, particularly to MMI. " +
"(In other words, who MMI and the public should contact for more information, or to " +
"negotiate changes.) This should be a specific person or authorized department. " +
"Include phone, mail, and URL in parentheses after the name, " +
"if available: First Last (831-nnn-nnnn,, " +
"Note also the next field shows possible roles this person plays with respect to this product.")
.setExample("Joe Ontology Manager")
.setLabel("Contact role")
.setTooltip("What is the role played by the Contact/Responsible Party named above? " +
"Choose the most senior authority that applies of: <br/> " +
"Content Manager: the person/organization that manages the content of the vocabulary <br/>" +
"Ontology Producer: the person/organization that creates (and possibly serves) this information in an ontology <br/>" +
"Organizational Manager: the person/organization manager that is responsible overall for " +
"producing this data product (but does not necessarily produce it themselves) <br/>" +
"IP Negotiator: the person/organization that handles intellectual property, " +
"including this vocabulary or ontology <br/>" +
"Other: specify if none of these fit.")
.setExample("content manager")
.addOption(new Option("--choose one--"))
.addOption(new Option("content manager"))
.addOption(new Option("ontology producer"))
.addOption(new Option("organizational manager"))
.addOption(new Option("IP negotiator"))
.addOption(new Option("other"))
// TODO createAttrDef(OmvMmi.accessStatus),
// TODO createAttrDef(OmvMmi.accessStatusDate),
// TODO createAttrDef(OmvMmi.licenseCode),
// TODO createAttrDef(OmvMmi.licenseReference),
// TODO createAttrDef(OmvMmi.licenseAsOfDate),
.setLabel("Temporary MMI role")
.setTooltip("Until an agreement is reached on MMI's role, what role is MMI currently playing: <br/>" +
"Content Manager: MMI actively manages this vocabulary content and is responsible (with the community) for its creation <br/>" +
"Ontology Producer: MMI accepts vocabulary content from the community and turns it into a served ontology <br/>" +
"Ontology Republisher: MMI accepts an ontology, caches it, and produces its own copy of the ontology " +
"in order to provide additional services (URI generation, revision history maintenance and tracking, and so on).")
.setExample("ontology producer")
.addOption(new Option("--choose one--"))
.addOption(new Option("content manager"))
.addOption(new Option("ontology producer"))
.addOption(new Option("ontology republisher"))
.addOption(new Option("other"))
// TODO createAttrDef(OmvMmi.agreedMmiRole),
.setLabel("Author credit required")
.setTooltip("Specifies whether users of the ontology have to provide credit to its creator. " +
"Please choose whatever applies ('no' is a very helpful selection), and enter the next " +
"field if the select here is 'yes' or 'conditional'. Leave blank if you aren't sure.")
.addOption(new Option("not specified"))
.addOption(new Option("yes"))
.addOption(new Option("no"))
.addOption(new Option("conditional"))
// TODO createAttrDef(OmvMmi.creditConditions),
.setLabel("Citation string")
.setTooltip("Free text containing the credit language that should be included in works based on this ontology.")
.setExample("Ontology provided by Athena Project")
new AttrGroup("Original source",
"The fields in this section capture specific metadata that was documented in the " +
"original vocabulary, so you can see how it was originally documented. " +
"Typically, this metadata is much less extensive than we maintain.",
new AttrDef[] {