assertNotSame("<nullsource-document></nullsource-document>", result.getResult());
public void test_streamingOn_02() throws IOException, SAXException {
Smooks smooks = new Smooks(getClass().getResourceAsStream("smooks-config-eventstream-on.xml"));
JavaSource javaSource = new JavaSource(new MyBean1());
// Explicitly configure it on... should cause an erros because it is explicitly
// configured 'on' in the config...
try {
} catch(SmooksException e) {
assertEquals("Invalid Smooks configuration. Feature '" + JavaSource.FEATURE_GENERATE_EVENT_STREAM + "' is explicitly configured 'on' in the Smooks configuration, while the supplied JavaSource has explicitly configured event streaming to be off (through a call to JavaSource.setEventStreamRequired).", e.getCause().getMessage());