public void receive(Object object,
PipelineContext context) {
this.smooks.setClassLoader( context.getClassLoader() );
Object result = null;
try {
JavaResult javaResult = new JavaResult();
ExecutionContext executionContext = this.smooks.createExecutionContext();
Source source = null;
if ( object instanceof Source ) {
source = ( Source ) object;
} else if ( object instanceof InputStream ) {
source = new StreamSource( ( InputStream ) object );
} else if ( object instanceof Reader ) {
source = new StreamSource( ( Reader ) object );
} else if ( object instanceof Resource ) {
source = new StreamSource( ( ( Resource ) object).getReader() );
} else if ( object instanceof String ) {
source = new StringSource( (String) object);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "signal object must be instance of Source, InputStream, Reader, Resource or String" );
this.smooks.filter( source,
executionContext );
result = javaResult.getBean( this.configuration.getRootId() );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
handleException( this,
e );