if (isSubmittedOnDateAfter(assignmentDate)) {
final String errorMessage = "The Savings Officer assignment date (" + assignmentDate.toString()
+ ") cannot be before savings submitted date (" + getSubmittedOnDate().toString() + ").";
throw new SavingsOfficerAssignmentDateException("cannot.be.before.savings.submitted.date", errorMessage, assignmentDate,
} else if (lastAssignmentRecord != null && lastAssignmentRecord.isEndDateAfter(assignmentDate)) {
final String errorMessage = "The Savings Officer assignment date (" + assignmentDate
+ ") cannot be before previous Savings Officer unassigned date (" + lastAssignmentRecord.getEndDate() + ").";
throw new SavingsOfficerAssignmentDateException("cannot.be.before.previous.unassignement.date", errorMessage, assignmentDate,
} else if (DateUtils.getLocalDateOfTenant().isBefore(assignmentDate)) {
final String errorMessage = "The Savings Officer assignment date (" + assignmentDate + ") cannot be in the future.";
throw new SavingsOfficerAssignmentDateException("cannot.be.a.future.date", errorMessage, assignmentDate);
} else if (latestHistoryRecord != null && this.savingsOfficer.identifiedBy(newSavingsOfficer)) {
} else if (latestHistoryRecord != null && latestHistoryRecord.matchesStartDateOf(assignmentDate)) {
this.savingsOfficer = newSavingsOfficer;
} else if (latestHistoryRecord != null && latestHistoryRecord.hasStartDateBefore(assignmentDate)) {
final String errorMessage = "Savings account with identifier " + getId() + " was already assigned before date " + assignmentDate;
throw new SavingsOfficerAssignmentDateException("is.before.last.assignment.date", errorMessage, getId(), assignmentDate);
} else {
if (latestHistoryRecord != null) {
// savings officer correctly changed from previous savings officer to
// new savings officer