final LocalDate newValue = command.localDateValueOfParameterNamed(startDateParamName);
final LocalDate currentDate = DateUtils.getLocalDateOfTenant();
if (newValue.isBefore(currentDate)) {
final String defaultUserMessage = "New meeting effective from date cannot be in past";
throw new CalendarDateException("", defaultUserMessage, newValue, getStartDateLocalDate());
} else if (isStartDateAfter(newValue) && isStartDateBeforeOrEqual(currentDate)) {
// new meeting date should be on or after start date or current
// date
final String defaultUserMessage = "New meeting effective from date cannot be a date before existing meeting start date";
throw new CalendarDateException("", defaultUserMessage, newValue,
} else {
actualChanges.put(startDateParamName, valueAsInput);
actualChanges.put("dateFormat", dateFormatAsInput);
actualChanges.put("locale", localeAsInput);