} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
private DMBean mapBean(ConnectionProvider provider, ObjectName objectName, boolean loadSynchronous) {
DMBean bean = null;
DObjectName dObjectName = new DObjectName(objectName);
// If the bean is unkown to the internal map, create our local representation and add it
synchronized (this) {
if (!this.beanMap.keySet().contains(dObjectName)) {
if (isJMX12) {
bean = new DAdvancedBean(connectionProvider, objectName);
} else {
bean = new DMBean(connectionProvider, objectName);
beanMap.put(dObjectName, bean);
// If the bean was just created then optional load its metadata syncrhonously
// Do this outside the syncrhonized block
if (bean != null && loadSynchronous) {
try {
} catch (EmsUnsupportedTypeException e) {
// Keep loading other beans even if one has an unsupported type
log.info("Bean metadata not loaded, unsupported type on [" + objectName.toString() + "]", e);