// Map <port, addressPresent>
Map<String, Boolean> addressPresentMap = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(beans.size());
for (EmsBean bean : beans) {
EmsBeanName eName = bean.getBeanName();
// There are three possible formats for the value of the 'name' key property. When parsing, it's important
// to remember that the hostname can potentially contain a '-'. Note, %2F is a URL-encoded '/'.
// 1) jk-8009 (jk connectors in JBoss 3.2 only, due to what I think is a bug)
// 2) http-
// 3) http-foo-bar.example.com%2F192.168.10.11-8080
String oName = eName.getKeyProperty("name");
int firstDashIndex = oName.indexOf('-');
String scheme = oName.substring(0, firstDashIndex);
String remainder = oName.substring(firstDashIndex + 1);