Package org.lilyproject.hbaseindex

Examples of org.lilyproject.hbaseindex.IndexDefinition

        this.serializationUtil = new DerefMapSerializationUtil(idGenerator);

        final IndexManager indexManager = new IndexManager(hbaseConfiguration, tableFactory);

        IndexDefinition forwardIndexDef = new IndexDefinition(forwardIndexName(indexName));
        // For the record ID we use a variable length byte array field of which the first two bytes are fixed length
        // The first byte is actually the record identifier byte.
        // The second byte really is the first byte of the record id. We put this in the fixed length part
        // (safely because a record id should at least be a single byte long) because this prevents BCD encoding
        // on the first byte, thus making it easier to configure table splitting based on the original input.
        forwardIndexDef.addVariableLengthByteField("dependant_recordid", 2);
        forwardIndexDef.addByteField("dependant_vtag", DerefMapSerializationUtil.SCHEMA_ID_BYTE_LENGTH);
        forwardDerefIndex = indexManager.getIndex(owningRepoName, forwardIndexDef);

        IndexDefinition backwardIndexDef = new IndexDefinition(backwardIndexName(indexName));
        // Same remark as in the forward index.
        backwardIndexDef.addVariableLengthByteField("dependency_masterrecordid", 2);
        backwardIndexDef.addByteField("dependant_vtag", DerefMapSerializationUtil.SCHEMA_ID_BYTE_LENGTH);
        backwardDerefIndex = indexManager.getIndex(owningRepoName, backwardIndexDef);
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        IndexManager indexMgr = new IndexManager(hbaseConf);

        String indexName = "perftest1";

        IndexDefinition indexDef = new IndexDefinition(indexName);

        index = indexMgr.getIndex(indexDef);

        initialInserts = OptionUtil.getIntOption(cmd, initialInsertOption, 5000000);
        initialInsertsBatchSize = OptionUtil.getIntOption(cmd, initialInsertBatchOption, 300);
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        //    entries for a record without having to know the vtags under which they occur
        //  - the sourcefield will often by optional in queries, that's why it comes last

        final int schemaIdByteLength = 16; // see SchemaIdImpl
            IndexDefinition indexDef = new IndexDefinition("links-forward");
            // For the record ID we use a variable length byte array field of which the first two bytes are fixed length
            // The first byte is actually the record identifier byte.
            // The second byte really is the first byte of the record id. We put this in the fixed length part
            // (safely because a record id should at least be a single byte long) because this prevents BCD encoding
            // on the first byte, thus making it easier to configure table splitting based on the original input.
            indexDef.addVariableLengthByteField("source", 2);
            indexDef.addByteField("vtag", schemaIdByteLength);
            indexDef.addByteField("sourcefield", schemaIdByteLength);
            forwardIndex = indexManager.getIndex(indexDef);

            IndexDefinition indexDef = new IndexDefinition("links-backward");
            // Same remark as in the forwardIndex.
            indexDef.addVariableLengthByteField("target", 2);
            indexDef.addByteField("vtag", schemaIdByteLength);
            indexDef.addByteField("sourcefield", schemaIdByteLength);
            backwardIndex = indexManager.getIndex(indexDef);
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Related Classes of org.lilyproject.hbaseindex.IndexDefinition

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