
Examples of

    String message = request.getParameter("message");
    if (message == null) {
      pw.println("<p>No message specified.</p>");
    } else {
      pw.println("<p>Message: " + message + "</p>");
      StandardEvent event = StandardEvent.newBuilder()
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      if (!events.hasNext()) {

      // Initialize the values needed to create a session for this group
      final StandardEvent firstEvent =;
      long startTime = firstEvent.getTimestamp();
      long endTime = firstEvent.getTimestamp();
      int numEvents = 1;

      // Inspect each event and keep track of start time, end time, and count
      while (events.hasNext()) {
        final StandardEvent event =;
        startTime = Math.min(startTime, event.getTimestamp());
        endTime = Math.max(endTime, event.getTimestamp());
        numEvents += 1;

      // Create a session. Use the first event for fields that do not change
      emitter.emit(Session.newBuilder()             // same on all events:
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          public Iterable<Tuple2<CorrelationKey, StandardEvent>>
              call(Tuple2<StandardEvent, Void> t) throws Exception {
            List<Tuple2<CorrelationKey, StandardEvent>> result =
                new ArrayList<Tuple2<CorrelationKey, StandardEvent>>(2);

            StandardEvent event = t._1();
            long loTimestamp = createLoTimestamp(event.getTimestamp());
            long hiTimestamp = createHiTimestamp(event.getTimestamp());
            String ip = event.getIp().toString();

            result.add(new Tuple2<CorrelationKey, StandardEvent>(
                new CorrelationKey(loTimestamp, ip), event));
            result.add(new Tuple2<CorrelationKey, StandardEvent>(
                new CorrelationKey(hiTimestamp, ip), event));

            return result;

    // Group the events by they correlation key
    JavaPairRDD<CorrelationKey, Iterable<StandardEvent>> groupedEvents = mappedEvents.groupByKey();

    // Generate potential matches by creating a list of alerts along with the
    // matched list of clicks. If no alerts were found with this correlation
    // key, then output an empty pair
    JavaPairRDD<List<StandardEvent>, List<StandardEvent>> potentialMatches = groupedEvents.mapToPair(
        new PairFunction<Tuple2<CorrelationKey, Iterable<StandardEvent>>, List<StandardEvent>, List<StandardEvent>>(){

          public Tuple2<List<StandardEvent>, List<StandardEvent>> call(Tuple2<CorrelationKey, Iterable<StandardEvent>> t) throws Exception {
            Iterable<StandardEvent> allEvents = t._2();
            List<StandardEvent> alerts = new ArrayList<StandardEvent>();
            List<StandardEvent> clicks = new ArrayList<StandardEvent>();

            for (StandardEvent event : allEvents) {
              if (event.getEventDetails() != null &&
                  event.getEventDetails().containsKey(new Utf8("type")) &&
                  "alert".equals(event.getEventDetails().get(new Utf8("type")).toString())) {
              } else if (event.getEventDetails() != null &&
                  event.getEventDetails().containsKey(new Utf8("type")) &&
                  "click".equals(event.getEventDetails().get(new Utf8("type")).toString())) {

            if (alerts.isEmpty()) {
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