"Formalize your Business Knowledge",
url + "/images/HandHome.jpg" ) );
model.addCarouselEntry( ModelUtils.makeCarouselEntry( "Deploy",
"Learn how to configure your environment",
url + "/images/HandHome.jpg" ) );
final Section s1 = new Section( "Discover and Author:" );
s1.addEntry( ModelUtils.makeSectionEntry( "Author",
new Command() {
public void execute() {
placeManager.goTo( "org.kie.workbench.drools.client.perspectives.DroolsAuthoringPerspective" );
} ) );
model.addSection( s1 );
final Section s2 = new Section( "Deploy:" );
s2.addEntry( ModelUtils.makeSectionEntry( "Manage and Deploy Your Assets",
new Command() {
public void execute() {
placeManager.goTo( "org.drools.workbench.client.perspectives.AdministrationPerspective" );
Arrays.asList( PERMISSIONS_ADMIN ) ) );
s2.addEntry( ModelUtils.makeSectionEntry( "Assets Repository",
new Command() {
public void execute() {
placeManager.goTo( "org.guvnor.m2repo.client.perspectives.GuvnorM2RepoPerspective" );