public void decrypt(ByteBuffer input, ByteBuffer output)
throws KeyczarException {
ByteBuffer inputCopy = input.asReadOnlyBuffer();
LOG.debug(Messages.getString("Crypter.Decrypting", inputCopy.remaining()));
if (inputCopy.remaining() < HEADER_SIZE) {
throw new ShortCiphertextException(inputCopy.remaining());
byte version = inputCopy.get();
if (version != FORMAT_VERSION) {
throw new BadVersionException(version);
byte[] hash = new byte[KEY_HASH_SIZE];
KeyczarKey key = getKey(hash);
if (key == null) {
throw new KeyNotFoundException(hash);
// The input to decrypt is now positioned at the start of the ciphertext
DecryptingStream cryptStream = CRYPT_CACHE.get(key);
if (cryptStream == null) {
cryptStream = (DecryptingStream) key.getStream();
VerifyingStream verifyStream = cryptStream.getVerifyingStream();
if (inputCopy.remaining() < verifyStream.digestSize()) {
throw new ShortCiphertextException(inputCopy.remaining());
// Slice off the signature into another buffer
inputCopy.position(inputCopy.limit() - verifyStream.digestSize());
ByteBuffer signature = inputCopy.slice();