This class represents a Lua object of any type. A LuaObject is constructed by a {@link LuaState} object using one ofthe four methods:
- {@link LuaState#getLuaObject(String globalName)}
- {@link LuaState#getLuaObject(LuaObject parent,String name)}
- {@link LuaState#getLuaObject(LuaObject parent,Number name)}
- {@link LuaState#getLuaObject(LuaObject parent,LuaObject name)}
- {@link LuaState#getLuaObject(int index)}
The LuaObject will represent only the object itself, not a variable or a stack index, so when you change a string, remember that strings are immutable objects in Lua, and the LuaObject you have will represent the old one.
LuaJava allows you to implement a class in Lua, like said before. If you want to create this proxy from Java, you should have a LuaObject representing the table that has the functions that implement the interface. From this LuaObject you can call the
createProxy(String implements)
. This method receives the string with the name of the interfaces implemented by the object separated by comma.
@author Rizzato
@author Thiago Ponte