new JIVariant(false), new JIVariant(true), new JIVariant(
false), new JIVariant(false), new JIString(
// retrieve the inbox folder
JXCdoFolder inbox = new JXCdoFolder(jxCdoSession,jxCdoSession.GetDefaultFolder(new JIVariant(JXCdoEnum.CdoDefaultFolderTypes.CdoDefaultFolderInbox.intValue())));
// get collection of subfolders under inbox
JXCdoFolders inboxSubfolders = new JXCdoFolders(jxCdoSession,inbox.GetFolders());
// add a new folder named "Unread Emails" in this collection
JXCdoFolder newFolder = new JXCdoFolder(jxCdoSession,inboxSubfolders.Add(new JIString("Test Emails").Variant));
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block