builder = new TaskGraphBuilder() {
List<File> archives;
Collection<String> bundledPlugins;
Handle loadBundledPlugins = add("Loading bundled plugins", new Executable() {
public void run(Reactor session) throws Exception {
bundledPlugins = loadBundledPlugins();
Handle listUpPlugins = requires(loadBundledPlugins).add("Listing up plugins", new Executable() {
public void run(Reactor session) throws Exception {
archives = initStrategy.listPluginArchives(PluginManager.this);
requires(listUpPlugins).attains(PLUGINS_LISTED).add("Preparing plugins",new Executable() {
public void run(Reactor session) throws Exception {
// once we've listed plugins, we can fill in the reactor with plugin-specific initialization tasks
TaskGraphBuilder g = new TaskGraphBuilder();
final Map<String,File> inspectedShortNames = new HashMap<String,File>();
for( final File arc : archives ) {
g.followedBy().notFatal().attains(PLUGINS_LISTED).add("Inspecting plugin " + arc, new Executable() {
public void run(Reactor session1) throws Exception {
try {
PluginWrapper p = strategy.createPluginWrapper(arc);
if (isDuplicate(p)) return;
p.isBundled = containsHpiJpi(bundledPlugins, arc.getName());
} catch (IOException e) {
failedPlugins.add(new FailedPlugin(arc.getName(),e));
throw e;
* Inspects duplication. this happens when you run hpi:run on a bundled plugin,
* as well as putting numbered jpi files, like "cobertura-1.0.jpi" and "cobertura-1.1.jpi"
private boolean isDuplicate(PluginWrapper p) {
String shortName = p.getShortName();
if (inspectedShortNames.containsKey(shortName)) {"Ignoring "+arc+" because "+inspectedShortNames.get(shortName)+" is already loaded");
return true;
return false;
g.followedBy().attains(PLUGINS_LISTED).add("Checking cyclic dependencies", new Executable() {
* Makes sure there's no cycle in dependencies.
public void run(Reactor reactor) throws Exception {
try {
CyclicGraphDetector<PluginWrapper> cgd = new CyclicGraphDetector<PluginWrapper>() {
protected List<PluginWrapper> getEdges(PluginWrapper p) {
List<PluginWrapper> next = new ArrayList<PluginWrapper>();
addTo(p.getDependencies(), next);
addTo(p.getOptionalDependencies(), next);
return next;
private void addTo(List<Dependency> dependencies, List<PluginWrapper> r) {
for (Dependency d : dependencies) {
PluginWrapper p = getPlugin(d.shortName);
if (p != null)
protected void reactOnCycle(PluginWrapper q, List<PluginWrapper> cycle)
throws hudson.util.CyclicGraphDetector.CycleDetectedException {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "found cycle in plugin dependencies: (root="+q+", deactivating all involved) "+Util.join(cycle," -> "));
for (PluginWrapper pluginWrapper : cycle) {
failedPlugins.add(new FailedPlugin(pluginWrapper.getShortName(), new CycleDetectedException(cycle)));
// obtain topologically sorted list and overwrite the list
ListIterator<PluginWrapper> litr = plugins.listIterator();
for (PluginWrapper p : cgd.getSorted()) {;
} catch (CycleDetectedException e) {
stop(); // disable all plugins since classloading from them can lead to StackOverflow
throw e; // let Hudson fail
pluginListed = true; // technically speaking this is still too early, as at this point tasks are merely scheduled, not necessarily executed.
} else {
builder = TaskBuilder.EMPTY_BUILDER;
final InitializerFinder initializerFinder = new InitializerFinder(uberClassLoader); // misc. stuff
// lists up initialization tasks about loading plugins.
return TaskBuilder.union(initializerFinder, // this scans @Initializer in the core once
builder,new TaskGraphBuilder() {{
requires(PLUGINS_LISTED).attains(PLUGINS_PREPARED).add("Loading plugins",new Executable() {
* Once the plugins are listed, schedule their initialization.
public void run(Reactor session) throws Exception {
Jenkins.getInstance().lookup.set(PluginInstanceStore.class,new PluginInstanceStore());
TaskGraphBuilder g = new TaskGraphBuilder();
// schedule execution of loading plugins
for (final PluginWrapper p : activePlugins.toArray(new PluginWrapper[activePlugins.size()])) {
g.followedBy().notFatal().attains(PLUGINS_PREPARED).add("Loading plugin " + p.getShortName(), new Executable() {
public void run(Reactor session) throws Exception {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
failedPlugins.add(new FailedPlugin(p.getShortName(), e));
throw e;
// schedule execution of initializing plugins
for (final PluginWrapper p : activePlugins.toArray(new PluginWrapper[activePlugins.size()])) {
g.followedBy().notFatal().attains(PLUGINS_STARTED).add("Initializing plugin " + p.getShortName(), new Executable() {
public void run(Reactor session) throws Exception {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
failedPlugins.add(new FailedPlugin(p.getShortName(), e));
throw e;
g.followedBy().attains(PLUGINS_STARTED).add("Discovering plugin initialization tasks", new Executable() {
public void run(Reactor reactor) throws Exception {
// rescan to find plugin-contributed @Initializer