First, decide on what name should be used to require the extension. In this purely hypothetical example, this name will be 'active_record/connection_adapters/jdbc_adapter'. Then create the class name for this require-name, by looking at the guidelines above. Our class should be named active_record.connection_adapters.JdbcAdapterService, and implement one of the library-interfaces. The easiest one is BasicLibraryService, where you define the basicLoad-method, which will get called when your library should be loaded.
The next step is to either put your compiled class on JRuby's classpath, or package the class/es inside a jar-file. To package into a jar-file, we first create the file, then rename it to jdbc_adapter.jar. Then we put this jar-file in the directory active_record/connection_adapters somewhere in JRuby's load path. For example, copying jdbc_adapter.jar into JRUBY_HOME/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/active_record/connection_adapters will make everything work. If you've packaged your extension inside a RubyGem, write a setub.rb-script that copies the jar-file to this place.
If you don't want to have the name of your extension-class to be prescribed, you can also put a file called in your jar-files META-INF directory, where you can use the key