// Always prepared in the context of parent scope -- so a null value here is a bug.
return closure.getInterpreterContext();
protected IRubyObject commonYieldPath(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args, IRubyObject self, Binding binding, Type type, Block block) {
InterpreterContext ic = ensureInstrsReady();
// SSS: Important! Use getStaticScope() to use a copy of the static-scope stored in the block-body.
// Do not use 'closure.getStaticScope()' -- that returns the original copy of the static scope.
// This matters because blocks created for Thread bodies modify the static-scope field of the block-body
// that records additional state about the block body.
// FIXME: Rather than modify static-scope, it seems we ought to set a field in block-body which is then
// used to tell dynamic-scope that it is a dynamic scope for a thread body. Anyway, to be revisited later!
Visibility oldVis = binding.getFrame().getVisibility();
Frame prevFrame = context.preYieldNoScope(binding);
// SSS FIXME: Why is self null in non-binding-eval contexts?
if (self == null || this.evalType.get() == EvalType.BINDING_EVAL) {
self = useBindingSelf(binding);
// SSS FIXME: Maybe, we should allocate a NoVarsScope/DummyScope for for-loop bodies because the static-scope here
// probably points to the parent scope? To be verified and fixed if necessary. There is no harm as it is now. It
// is just wasteful allocation since the scope is not used at all.
// Pass on eval state info to the dynamic scope and clear it on the block-body
DynamicScope prevScope = binding.getDynamicScope();
if (ic.pushNewDynScope()) {
context.pushScope(DynamicScope.newDynamicScope(getStaticScope(), prevScope, this.evalType.get()));
} else if (ic.reuseParentDynScope()) {
// Reuse! We can avoid the push only if surrounding vars aren't referenced!
try {
return Interpreter.INTERPRET_BLOCK(context, self, ic, args, binding.getMethod(), block, type);
finally {
// IMPORTANT: Do not clear eval-type in case this is reused in bindings!
// Ex: eval("...", foo.instance_eval { binding })
// The dyn-scope used for binding needs to have its eval-type set to INSTANCE_EVAL
if (ic.popDynScope()) {
context.postYield(binding, prevFrame);
} else {