
Examples of

            case INSTVARNODE:
                return buildDefinitionCheck(s, new HasInstanceVarInstr(s.getNewTemporaryVariable(), getSelf(s), new StringLiteral(((InstVarNode) node).getName())), "instance-variable");
            case YIELDNODE:
                return buildDefinitionCheck(s, new BlockGivenInstr(s.getNewTemporaryVariable()), "yield");
            case BACKREFNODE:
                return buildDefinitionCheck(s, new BackrefIsMatchDataInstr(s.getNewTemporaryVariable()), "$" + ((BackRefNode) node).getType());
            case NTHREFNODE: {
            // SSS FIXME: Is there a reason to do this all with low-level IR?
            // Can't this all be folded into a Java method that would be part
            // of the runtime library, which then can be used by buildDefinitionCheck method above?
            // This runtime library would be used both by the interpreter & the compiled code!

                /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 * We have to generate IR for this:
                 *    v = backref; (!(v instanceof RubyMatchData) || ? nil : "$#{n}"
                 * which happens to be identical to: (where nthRef implicitly fetches backref again!)
                 *    v = backref; (!(v instanceof RubyMatchData) || nthRef(n).nil?) ? nil : "$#{n}"
                 * I am using the second form since it let us encode it in fewer IR instructions.
                 * But, note that this second form is not as clean as the first one plus it fetches backref twice!
                 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                int n = ((NthRefNode) node).getMatchNumber();
                Label undefLabel = s.getNewLabel();
                Variable tmpVar = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                s.addInstr(new BackrefIsMatchDataInstr(tmpVar));
                s.addInstr(BEQInstr.create(tmpVar, manager.getFalse(), undefLabel));
                // SSS FIXME:
                // - Can/should I use BEQInstr(new NthRef(n), manager.getNil(), undefLabel)? instead of .nil? & compare with flag?
                // - Or, even create a new IsNilInstr and NotNilInstr to represent optimized scenarios where
                //   the nil? method is not monkey-patched?
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            case DVARNODE: {
                return new StringLiteral("local-variable");
            case BACKREFNODE: {
                return buildDefinitionCheck(s, new BackrefIsMatchDataInstr(s.getNewTemporaryVariable()), "global-variable");
            case DREGEXPNODE:
            case DSTRNODE: {
                Operand v = super.buildVersionSpecificGetDefinitionIR(node, s);
                Label doneLabel = s.getNewLabel();
                Variable tmpVar = getValueInTemporaryVariable(s, v);
                s.addInstr(BNEInstr.create(tmpVar, manager.getNil(), doneLabel));
                s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(tmpVar, new StringLiteral("expression")));
                s.addInstr(new LabelInstr(doneLabel));
                return tmpVar;
            case NOTNODE: {
                Operand v = buildGetDefinitionBase(((NotNode)node).getConditionNode(), s);
                Label doneLabel = s.getNewLabel();
                Variable tmpVar = getValueInTemporaryVariable(s, v);
                s.addInstr(BEQInstr.create(tmpVar, manager.getNil(), doneLabel));
                s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(tmpVar, new StringLiteral("method")));
                s.addInstr(new LabelInstr(doneLabel));
                return tmpVar;
            case NTHREFNODE: {
            // SSS FIXME: Is there a reason to do this all with low-level IR?
            // Can't this all be folded into a Java method that would be part
            // of the runtime library, which then can be used by buildDefinitionCheck method above?
            // This runtime library would be used both by the interpreter & the compiled code!

                /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 * We have to generate IR for this:
                 *    v = backref; (!(v instanceof RubyMatchData) || ? nil : "global-variable"
                 * which happens to be identical to: (where nthRef implicitly fetches backref again!)
                 *    v = backref; (!(v instanceof RubyMatchData) || nthRef(n).nil?) ? nil : "global-variable"
                 * I am using the second form since it let us encode it in fewer IR instructions.
                 * But, note that this second form is not as clean as the first one plus it fetches backref twice!
                 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                int n = ((NthRefNode) node).getMatchNumber();
                Label undefLabel = s.getNewLabel();
                Variable tmpVar = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                s.addInstr(new BackrefIsMatchDataInstr(tmpVar));
                s.addInstr(BEQInstr.create(tmpVar, manager.getFalse(), undefLabel));
                // SSS FIXME:
                // - Can/should I use BEQInstr(new NthRef(n), manager.getNil(), undefLabel)? instead of .nil? & compare with flag?
                // - Or, even create a new IsNilInstr and NotNilInstr to represent optimized scenarios where
                //   the nil? method is not monkey-patched?
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