Package org.jruby

Examples of org.jruby.Ruby$RecursiveFunction

    private IRubyObject handleNextJump(ThreadContext context, JumpException.NextJump nj, Block.Type type) {
        return type == Block.Type.LAMBDA ? context.getRuntime().getNil() : (IRubyObject)nj.getValue();

    private void setupBlockArgs(ThreadContext context, Node varNode, IRubyObject value, IRubyObject self) {
        Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
        switch (varNode.nodeId) {
        case ZEROARGNODE:
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            defaultArgsLogic(context, runtime, self, value);

    private void setupBlockArg(ThreadContext context, Node varNode, IRubyObject value, IRubyObject self) {
        Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
        switch (varNode.nodeId) {
        case ZEROARGNODE:
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    @JRubyMethod(meta = true)
    public static IRubyObject gethostbyname(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject hostname) {
        try {
            IRubyObject[] ret = new IRubyObject[4];
            Ruby r = context.getRuntime();
            InetAddress addr;
            String hostString = hostname.convertToString().toString();
            addr = InetAddress.getByName(hostString);
            ret[0] = r.newString(addr.getCanonicalHostName());
            ret[1] = r.newArray();
            ret[3] = r.newString(addr.getHostAddress());
            if (addr instanceof Inet4Address) {
                Inet4Address addr4 = (Inet4Address)addr;
                ret[2] = r.newFixnum(RubySocket.AF_INET); //AF_INET
            } else if (addr instanceof Inet6Address) {
                Inet6Address addr6 = (Inet6Address)addr;
                ret[2] = r.newFixnum(RubySocket.AF_INET6); //AF_INET
            return r.newArrayNoCopy(ret);
        } catch(UnknownHostException e) {
            throw sockerr(context.getRuntime(), "gethostbyname: name or service not known");
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        return context.getRuntime().getNil();
    public IRubyObject close_read(ThreadContext context) {
        Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
        if (runtime.getSafeLevel() >= 4 && isTaint()) {
            throw runtime.newSecurityError("Insecure: can't close");

        if (!openFile.isWritable()) {
        } else {
            if(openFile.getPipeStream() != null) {
                Channel socketChannel = openFile.getMainStream().getDescriptor().getChannel();
                if (socketChannel instanceof SocketChannel
                    || socketChannel instanceof DatagramChannel) {
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        throw runtime.newIOError(e.getMessage());
                openFile.setMode(openFile.getMode() & ~OpenFile.READABLE);
        return runtime.getNil();
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    public IRubyObject getsockopt(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject lev, IRubyObject optname) {
        int level = RubyNumeric.fix2int(lev);
        int opt = RubyNumeric.fix2int(optname);
        Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();

        try {
            switch(level) {
            case RubySocket.SOL_IP:
            case RubySocket.SOL_SOCKET:
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    @JRubyMethod(frame = true, rest = true)
    public RubyObject new_instance2(IRubyObject[] args, Block unusedBlock) {
        Arity.checkArgumentCount(getRuntime(), args, 2, 2);

        final IRubyObject self = args[0];
        final Ruby runtime = self.getRuntime();
        final RubyModule javaUtilities = runtime.getJavaSupport().getJavaUtilitiesModule();
        RubyArray constructor_args = (RubyArray) args[1];
        Class<?>[] parameterTypes = getParameterTypes();
        int count = (int) constructor_args.length().getLongValue();
        Object[] converted = new Object[count];
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            // TODO: call ruby method
            IRubyObject ith = constructor_args.aref(getRuntime().newFixnum(i));
            converted[i] = JavaUtil.convertArgument(getRuntime(), Java.ruby_to_java(this, ith, Block.NULL_BLOCK), parameterTypes[i]);

        JavaProxyInvocationHandler handler = new JavaProxyInvocationHandler() {
            public Object invoke(Object proxy, JavaProxyMethod m, Object[] nargs) throws Throwable {
                String name = m.getName();
                DynamicMethod method = self.getMetaClass().searchMethod(name);
                int v = method.getArity().getValue();
                IRubyObject[] newArgs = new IRubyObject[nargs.length];
                for (int i = nargs.length; --i >= 0; ) {
                    newArgs[i] = Java.java_to_ruby(
                            JavaObject.wrap(runtime, nargs[i]),
                if (v < 0 || v == (newArgs.length)) {
                    return JavaUtil.convertRubyToJava(RuntimeHelpers.invoke(runtime.getCurrentContext(), self, name, newArgs), m.getReturnType());
                } else {
                    RubyClass superClass = self.getMetaClass().getSuperClass();
                    return JavaUtil.convertRubyToJava(RuntimeHelpers.invokeAs(runtime.getCurrentContext(), superClass, self, name, newArgs, Block.NULL_BLOCK), m.getReturnType());

        try {
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            throw ex;
    public JavaObject newInstance(final IRubyObject self, Object[] args) {
        final Ruby runtime = self.getRuntime();
        final RubyModule javaUtilities = runtime.getJavaSupport().getJavaUtilitiesModule();

        JavaProxyInvocationHandler handler = new JavaProxyInvocationHandler() {
            public Object invoke(Object proxy, JavaProxyMethod m, Object[] nargs) throws Throwable {
                String name = m.getName();
                DynamicMethod method = self.getMetaClass().searchMethod(name);
                int v = method.getArity().getValue();
                IRubyObject[] newArgs = new IRubyObject[nargs.length];
                for (int i = nargs.length; --i >= 0; ) {
                    newArgs[i] = Java.java_to_ruby(
                            JavaObject.wrap(runtime, nargs[i]),
                if (v < 0 || v == (newArgs.length)) {
                    return JavaUtil.convertRubyToJava(RuntimeHelpers.invoke(runtime.getCurrentContext(), self, name, newArgs), m.getReturnType());
                } else {
                    RubyClass superClass = self.getMetaClass().getSuperClass();
                    return JavaUtil.convertRubyToJava(RuntimeHelpers.invokeAs(runtime.getCurrentContext(), superClass, self, name, newArgs, Block.NULL_BLOCK), m.getReturnType());

        try {
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        return runtimeTLS.get();

    public static JavaProxyClass getProxyClass(Ruby runtime, Class superClass,
            Class[] interfaces, Set names) throws InvocationTargetException {
        Ruby save = runtimeTLS.get();
        try {
            ClassLoader loader = runtime.getJRubyClassLoader();

            return JavaProxyClassFactory.newProxyClass(runtime, loader, null, superClass, interfaces, names);
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    @JRubyMethod(meta = true)
    public static RubyObject get_with_class(IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject obj) {
        Ruby runtime = recv.getRuntime();
        if (!(obj instanceof RubyClass)) {
            throw runtime.newTypeError(obj, runtime.getClassClass());
        RubyClass clazz = (RubyClass)obj;
        // Let's only generate methods for those the user may actually
        // intend to override.  That includes any defined in the current
        // class, and any ancestors that are also JavaProxyClasses (but none
        // from any other ancestor classes). Methods defined in mixins will
        // be considered intentionally overridden, except those from Kernel,
        // Java, and JavaProxyMethods, as well as Enumerable.
        // TODO: may want to exclude other common mixins?

        JavaClass javaClass = null;
        Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>(); // need names ordered for key generation later
        List<Class<?>> interfaceList = new ArrayList<Class<?>>();

        List<IRubyObject> ancestors = clazz.getAncestorList();
        boolean skipRemainingClasses = false;
        for (IRubyObject ancestorObject: ancestors) {
            RubyModule ancestor = (RubyModule) ancestorObject;
            if (ancestor instanceof RubyClass) {
                if (skipRemainingClasses) continue;
                // we only collect methods and interfaces for
                // user-defined proxy classes.
                if (!ancestor.getInstanceVariables().fastHasInstanceVariable("@java_proxy_class")) {
                    skipRemainingClasses = true;

                // get JavaClass if this is the new proxy class; verify it
                // matches if this is a superclass proxy.
                IRubyObject var = ancestor.getInstanceVariables().fastGetInstanceVariable("@java_class");
                if (var == null) {
                    throw runtime.newTypeError(
                            "no java_class defined for proxy (or ancestor): " + ancestor);
                } else if (!(var instanceof JavaClass)) {
                    throw runtime.newTypeError(
                            "invalid java_class defined for proxy (or ancestor): " +
                            ancestor + ": " + var);
                if (javaClass == null) {
                    javaClass = (JavaClass)var;
                } else if (javaClass != var) {
                    throw runtime.newTypeError(
                            "java_class defined for " + clazz + " (" + javaClass +
                            ") does not match java_class for ancestor " + ancestor +
                            " (" + var + ")");
                // get any included interfaces
                var = ancestor.getInstanceVariables().fastGetInstanceVariable("@java_interfaces");
                if (var != null && !(var instanceof RubyNil)) {
                    if (!(var instanceof RubyArray)) {
                        throw runtime.newTypeError(
                                "invalid java_interfaces defined for proxy (or ancestor): " +
                                ancestor + ": " + var);
                    RubyArray ifcArray = (RubyArray)var;
                    int size = ifcArray.size();
                    for (int i = size; --i >= 0; ) {
                        IRubyObject ifc = ifcArray.eltInternal(i);
                        if (!(ifc instanceof JavaClass)) {
                            throw runtime.newTypeError(
                                "invalid java interface defined for proxy (or ancestor): " +
                                ancestor + ": " + ifc);
                        Class interfaceClass = ((JavaClass)ifc).javaClass();
                        if (!interfaceClass.isInterface()) {
                            throw runtime.newTypeError(
                                    "invalid java interface defined for proxy (or ancestor): " +
                                    ancestor + ": " + ifc + " (not an interface)");
                        if (!interfaceList.contains(interfaceClass)) {
                // set this class's method names in var @__java_ovrd_methods if this
                // is the new class; otherwise, get method names from there if this is
                // a proxy superclass.
                // FIXME: shouldn't need @__java_ovrd_methods, just query locally defined methods.
                var = ancestor.getInstanceVariables().fastGetInstanceVariable("@__java_ovrd_methods");
                if (var == null) {
                    // lock in the overridden methods for the new class, and any as-yet
                    // uninstantiated ancestor class.
                    Map<String, DynamicMethod> methods;
                    RubyArray methodNames;
                    synchronized(methods = ancestor.getMethods()) {
                        methodNames = RubyArray.newArrayLight(runtime,methods.size());
                        for (String methodName: methods.keySet()) {
                            if (!EXCLUDE_METHODS.contains(methodName)) {
                } else {
                    if (!(var instanceof RubyArray)) {
                        throw runtime.newTypeError(
                                "invalid @__java_ovrd_methods defined for proxy: " +
                                ancestor + ": " + var);
                    RubyArray methodNames = (RubyArray)var;
                    int size = methodNames.size();
                    for (int i = size; --i >= 0; ) {
                        IRubyObject methodName = methodNames.eltInternal(i);
                        if (!(methodName instanceof RubyString)) {
                            throw runtime.newTypeError(
                                    "invalid method name defined for proxy (or ancestor): " +
                                    ancestor + ": " + methodName);
            } else if (!EXCLUDE_MODULES.contains(ancestor.getName())) {
                Map<String, DynamicMethod> methods;
                synchronized(methods = ancestor.getMethods()) {
                    for (String methodName: methods.keySet()) {
                        if (!EXCLUDE_METHODS.contains(methodName)) {

        if (javaClass == null) {
            throw runtime.newArgumentError("unable to create proxy class: no java_class defined for " + clazz);
        int interfaceCount = interfaceList.size();
        Class<?>[] interfaces = new Class<?>[interfaceCount];
        for (int i = interfaceCount; --i >= 0; ) {
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    public static IRubyObject def(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, Object scriptObject, String name, String javaName, String[] scopeNames,
            int arity, int required, int optional, int rest, CallConfiguration callConfig) {
        Class compiledClass = scriptObject.getClass();
        Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
        RubyModule containingClass = context.getRubyClass();
        Visibility visibility = context.getCurrentVisibility();
        performNormalMethodChecks(containingClass, runtime, name);
        StaticScope scope = creatScopeForClass(context, scopeNames, required, optional, rest);
        MethodFactory factory = MethodFactory.createFactory(compiledClass.getClassLoader());
        DynamicMethod method = constructNormalMethod(name, visibility, factory, containingClass, javaName, arity, scope, scriptObject, callConfig);
        addInstanceMethod(containingClass, name, method, visibility,context, runtime);
        return runtime.getNil();
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Related Classes of org.jruby.Ruby$RecursiveFunction

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