// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public void testHashByteArray() {
Log.log("Testing HashAlgorithm hash(byte[])");
HashAlgorithm hashAlgo = newProviderInstance();
try {
int c = 2000;
int cnt = (int) (10 * Math.log(c)) * c;
Log.log("Test hashing %d keys", cnt);
Set<Long> hashSet = new HashSet<Long>(cnt);
for(int i=0; i<cnt; i++){
long hash = hashAlgo.hash(data.getRandomBytes(255));
boolean didAdd = hashSet.add(hash);
Log.log("[NOTE] got a collision (hash: %d) at idx: %d!", hash, i);
// assertEquals(hashSet.size(), cnt);
if(hashSet.size() == cnt)
Log.log("Hashed %d keys with no collisions", cnt);
Log.log("Hashed %d keys with %d collisions", cnt, cnt - hashSet.size());
// edge case - NULL input not allowed
boolean didRaiseError = false;
try {
byte[] nullref = null;
catch (IllegalArgumentException e){ didRaiseError = true; }
catch (RuntimeException what) { fail("Unexpected runtime exception raised",what); }
assertTrue(didRaiseError, "Expecting a raised exception for null input");
// edge case - zero length input not allowed
didRaiseError = false;
try {
byte[] zerobytes = data.getRandomBytes(0);
catch (IllegalArgumentException e){ didRaiseError = true; }
catch (RuntimeException what) { fail("Unexpected runtime exception raised",what); }
assertTrue(didRaiseError, "Expecting a raised exception for zero length input");