// Make sure that the value is a SCO wrapper
Object oldValue = smAttached.provideField(fieldNumber);
SCO sco;
if (oldValue == null || (oldValue != null && !(oldValue instanceof SCO)))
// The field wasn't initialised at creation, so create an empty SCO wrapper and copy the new values in
if (JPOXLogger.JDO.isDebugEnabled())
JPOXLogger.JDO.debug(LOCALISER.msg("026029", StringUtils.toJVMIDString(smAttached.getObject()),
smAttached.getInternalObjectId(), fmd.getName()));
sco = SCOUtils.newSCOInstance(smAttached, fmd, fmd.getType(), null, null, false, false, false);
if (sco instanceof SCOContainer)
// Load any containers to avoid update issues
smAttached.replaceField(fieldNumber, sco, true);
// The field is already a SCO wrapper, so just copy the new values to it
sco = (SCO) oldValue;
if (cascadeAttach)
// Only trigger the cascade when required
if (copy)
// Attach copy of the SCO
// Attach SCO in-situ
if (sco instanceof Collection)
// Attach all PC elements of the collection
boolean elementsWithoutIdentity = SCOUtils.collectionHasElementsWithoutIdentity(fmd);
SCOUtils.attachForCollection(smAttached, ((Collection)sco).toArray(), elementsWithoutIdentity);
else if (sco instanceof Map)
// Attach all PC keys/values of the map
boolean keysWithoutIdentity = SCOUtils.mapHasKeysWithoutIdentity(fmd);
boolean valuesWithoutIdentity = SCOUtils.mapHasValuesWithoutIdentity(fmd);
SCOUtils.attachForMap(smAttached, ((Map)sco).entrySet(), keysWithoutIdentity, valuesWithoutIdentity);
// Initialise the SCO with the new value
sco.initialise(value, false, false);
if (dirtyFields[fieldNumber] || !persistent)