nextObject = glyph;
}else if(type.compareTo(TTGLYPH)==0){
/** read in the entire glyph, except the paths */
TTGlyph glyph = (TTGlyph) os.readObject();
* we now need to extract the paths for this glyph from the stream
/** the number of paths in the glyph */
int count = (Integer) os.readObject();
GeneralPath[] paths = new GeneralPath[count];
/** iterate through the stream, and deserialize each path */
for(int j=0; j<count; j++){
paths[j] = PathSerializer.deserializePath(os);
* now we need to create a new Vector_Path object, and pass in the
* paths we have just exrtracted from the sream
Vector_Path vp = new Vector_Path();
/** set the Vector_Path object in the glyph */
nextObject = glyph;
}else if(type.compareTo(T3GLYPH)==0){
nextObject=new T3Glyph(os);