// Interrupts enabled
// First try a normal IDE Identify command
IDEIdCommand cmd = new IDEIdCommand(primary, master, false);
try {
executeAndWait(cmd, IDE_TIMEOUT);
} catch (TimeoutException ex) {
// Do nothing, handled later
if (cmd.isFinished()) {
final IDEDriveDescriptor result = cmd.getResult();
if (result != null) {
return result;
} else {
if (!cmd.isPacketResponse()) {
// Not an ATAPI response, try it anyway.
log.debug("NON-Packet response from ID command");
} else {
log.debug("Packet response from ID command");
} else {
// Finish the command
// Force a reset of any IRQ
final int state = io.getStatusReg();
// Timeout
log.debug("Timeout of " + ideId + " state=" + NumberUtils.hex(state));
return null;
// Clear any interrupts
// Interrupts enabled
// IDE Identify failed, do an ATAPI Identify
cmd = new IDEIdCommand(primary, master, true);
try {
executeAndWait(cmd, IDE_TIMEOUT);
} catch (TimeoutException ex1) {
// Do nothing, handled later
// Force a reset of any IRQ
// Good result?
if (cmd.isFinished()) {
return cmd.getResult();
} else {
// Finish the command
log.debug("Probe of " + ideId + " done, return null");
// No device found
return null;