((CompoundTag) originalTopLevelTag.getValue().get("Data")).getValue();
// This is our map of data. It is an unmodifiable map, for some reason, so we have to make a copy.
final Map<String, Tag> newData = new LinkedHashMap<String, Tag>(originalData);
// .get() a couple of values, just to make sure we're dealing with a valid level file, here. Good for debugging, too.
final IntTag spawnX = (IntTag) newData.get("SpawnX"); // we never use these... Its only here for potential debugging.
final IntTag spawnY = (IntTag) newData.get("SpawnY"); // but whatever... so I (Morlok8k) suppressed these warnings.
final IntTag spawnZ = (IntTag) newData.get("SpawnZ"); // I don't want to remove existing code, either by myself (Morlok8k) or Corrodias
newData.put("SpawnX", new IntTag("SpawnX", xyz.getX())); // pulling the data out of the Coordinates,
newData.put("SpawnY", new IntTag("SpawnY", xyz.getY())); // and putting it into our IntTag's
newData.put("SpawnZ", new IntTag("SpawnZ", xyz.getZ()));
// Again, we can't modify the data map in the old Tag, so we have to make a new one.
final CompoundTag newDataTag = new CompoundTag("Data", newData);
final Map<String, Tag> newTopLevelMap = new HashMap<String, Tag>(1);
newTopLevelMap.put("Data", newDataTag);