JMX Queries If the JMX query returns several mbeans (thanks to '*' or '?' wildcards), then the configured attributes are collected on all the returned mbeans.
Output Writers {@linkplain OutputWriter}s can be defined at the query level or globally at the {@link EmbeddedJmxTrans} level.The {@linkplain OutputWriter}s that are effective for a {@linkplain Query} are accessiblevia {@link Query#getEffectiveOutputWriters()}
Collected Metrics / Query Results Default behavior is to store the query results at the query level (see {@linkplain Query#queryResults}) to resolve the effective {@linkplain OutputWriter}s at result export time ( {@linkplain org.jmxtrans.embedded.Query#getEffectiveOutputWriters()}).
The drawback is to limit the benefits of batching result to a backend (see {@link org.jmxtrans.embedded.Query#exportCollectedMetrics()}) and the size limit of the results list to prevent {@linkplain OutOfMemoryError} in case of export slowness.
An optimization would be, if only one {@linkplain OutputWriter} is defined in the whole {@linkplain EmbeddedJmxTrans}, to replace all the query-local result queues by one global result-queue.
Cyrille Le Clerc
@author Jon Stevens