Package org.jmol.modelset.ModelCollection

Examples of org.jmol.modelset.ModelCollection.StateScript

      return "";
    int modelCount = viewer.getModelCount();
    viewer.setJmolDataFrame(stateScript, modelIndex, modelCount - 1);
    if (plotType != JmolConstants.JMOL_DATA_OTHER)
      stateScript += ";\n" + preSelected;
    StateScript ss = viewer.addStateScript(stateScript, true, false);

    // get post-processing script

    String script;
    switch (plotType) {
    case -1:
      viewer.setFrameTitle(modelCount - 1, type + " plot for model "
          + viewer.getModelNumberDotted(modelIndex));
      float f = 3;
      script = "frame 0.0; frame last; reset;" + "select visible; spacefill "
          + f + "; wireframe 0;" + "draw plotAxisX" + modelCount
          + " {100 -100 -100} {-100 -100 -100} \"" + Token.nameOf(propertyX)
          + "\";" + "draw plotAxisY" + modelCount
          + " {-100 100 -100} {-100 -100 -100} \"" + Token.nameOf(propertyY)
          + "\";";
      if (propertyZ != 0)
        script += "draw plotAxisZ" + modelCount
            + " {-100 -100 100} {-100 -100 -100} \"" + Token.nameOf(propertyZ)
            + "\";";
    case JmolConstants.JMOL_DATA_RAMACHANDRAN:
      viewer.setFrameTitle(modelCount - 1, "ramachandran plot for model "
          + viewer.getModelNumberDotted(modelIndex));
      script = "frame 0.0; frame last; reset;"
          + "select visible; color structure; spacefill 3.0; wireframe 0;"
          + "draw ramaAxisX" + modelCount + " {100 0 0} {-100 0 0} \"phi\";"
          + "draw ramaAxisY" + modelCount + " {0 100 0} {0 -100 0} \"psi\";";
    case JmolConstants.JMOL_DATA_QUATERNION:
      viewer.setFrameTitle(modelCount - 1, type.replace('w', ' ') + qFrame
          + " for model " + viewer.getModelNumberDotted(modelIndex));
      String color = (Graphics3D
      script = "frame 0.0; frame last; reset;"
          + "select visible; wireframe 0; spacefill 3.0; "
          + "isosurface quatSphere" + modelCount + " color " + color
          + " sphere 100.0 mesh nofill frontonly translucent 0.8;"
          + "draw quatAxis" + modelCount
          + "X {100 0 0} {-100 0 0} color red \"x\";" + "draw quatAxis"
          + modelCount + "Y {0 100 0} {0 -100 0} color green \"y\";"
          + "draw quatAxis" + modelCount
          + "Z {0 0 100} {0 0 -100} color blue \"z\";" + "color structure;"
          + "draw quatCenter" + modelCount + "{0 0 0} scale 0.02;";

    // run the post-processing script and set rotation radius and display frame title
    runScript(script + preSelected);
    viewer.setRotationRadius(150f, true);
    showString("frame " + viewer.getModelNumberDotted(modelCount - 1)
        + " created: " + type + (isQuaternion ? qFrame : ""));
    return "";
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Related Classes of org.jmol.modelset.ModelCollection.StateScript

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