* @param key the key that identifies the node that is no longer available.
private void cleanupNode(NodeID key) {
// TODO Fork in another process and even ask other nodes to process work
RoutingTable routingTable = XMPPServer.getInstance().getRoutingTable();
RemoteSessionLocator sessionLocator = XMPPServer.getInstance().getRemoteSessionLocator();
SessionManager manager = XMPPServer.getInstance().getSessionManager();
// TODO Consider removing each cached entry once processed instead of all at the end. Could be more error-prove.
Set<String> registeredUsers = lookupJIDList(key, C2SCache.getName());
if (!registeredUsers.isEmpty()) {
for (String fullJID : new ArrayList<String>(registeredUsers)) {
JID offlineJID = new JID(fullJID);
manager.removeSession(null, offlineJID, false, true);
Set<String> anonymousUsers = lookupJIDList(key, anonymousC2SCache.getName());
if (!anonymousUsers.isEmpty()) {
for (String fullJID : new ArrayList<String>(anonymousUsers)) {
JID offlineJID = new JID(fullJID);
manager.removeSession(null, offlineJID, true, true);
// Remove outgoing server sessions hosted in node that left the cluster
Set<String> remoteServers = lookupJIDList(key, S2SCache.getName());
if (!remoteServers.isEmpty()) {
for (String fullJID : new ArrayList<String>(remoteServers)) {
JID serverJID = new JID(fullJID);
Set<String> components = lookupJIDList(key, componentsCache.getName());
if (!components.isEmpty()) {
for (String address : new ArrayList<String>(components)) {
Lock lock = CacheFactory.getLock(address, componentsCache);
try {
Set<NodeID> nodes = (Set<NodeID>) componentsCache.get(address);
if (nodes != null) {
if (nodes.isEmpty()) {
else {
componentsCache.put(address, nodes);
} finally {
Set<String> componentSessions = lookupJIDList(key, componentSessionsCache.getName());
if (!componentSessions.isEmpty()) {
for (String domain : new ArrayList<String>(componentSessions)) {
// Registered subdomains of external component will be removed
// by the clean up of the component cache
Set<String> multiplexers = lookupJIDList(key, multiplexerSessionsCache.getName());
if (!multiplexers.isEmpty()) {
for (String fullJID : new ArrayList<String>(multiplexers)) {
// c2s connections connected to node that went down will be cleaned up
// by the c2s logic above. If the CM went down and the node is up then
// connections will be cleaned up as usual
Set<String> incomingSessions = lookupJIDList(key, incomingServerSessionsCache.getName());
if (!incomingSessions.isEmpty()) {
for (String streamID : new ArrayList<String>(incomingSessions)) {
IncomingServerSession session = sessionLocator.getIncomingServerSession(key.toByteArray(), streamID);
// Remove all the hostnames that were registered for this server session
for (String hostname : session.getValidatedDomains()) {
manager.unregisterIncomingServerSession(hostname, session);