// SASL authentication was successful so create new
// OutgoingServerSession
id = xpp.getAttributeValue("", "id");
StreamID streamID = new BasicStreamIDFactory().createStreamID(id);
LocalOutgoingServerSession session = new LocalOutgoingServerSession(domain,
connection, new OutgoingServerSocketReader(reader), streamID);
// Set the hostname as the address of the session
session.setAddress(new JID(null, hostname, null));
// Set that the session was created using TLS+SASL (no server dialback)
session.usingServerDialback = false;
return session;
else {
Log.debug("LocalOutgoingServerSession: OS - Error, EXTERNAL SASL authentication with " + hostname +
" failed");
return null;
// Check if server dialback (over TLS) was offered
if (dialbackOffered && (ServerDialback.isEnabled() || ServerDialback.isEnabledForSelfSigned())) {
Log.debug("LocalOutgoingServerSession: OS - About to try connecting using server dialback over TLS with: " + hostname);
ServerDialback method = new ServerDialback(connection, domain);
OutgoingServerSocketReader newSocketReader = new OutgoingServerSocketReader(reader);
if (method.authenticateDomain(newSocketReader, domain, hostname, id)) {
Log.debug("LocalOutgoingServerSession: OS - SERVER DIALBACK OVER TLS with " + hostname + " was successful");
StreamID streamID = new BasicStreamIDFactory().createStreamID(id);
LocalOutgoingServerSession session = new LocalOutgoingServerSession(domain, connection, newSocketReader, streamID);