if (!verify) {
authenticationSuccessful(session, hostname, null);
return Status.authenticated;
// Check that hostname matches the one provided in a certificate
Connection connection = session.getConnection();
for (Certificate certificate : connection.getPeerCertificates()) {
for (String identity : CertificateManager.getPeerIdentities((X509Certificate) certificate)) {
// Verify that either the identity is the same as the hostname, or for wildcarded
// identities that the hostname ends with .domainspecified or -is- domainspecified.
if ((identity.startsWith("*.")
&& (hostname.endsWith(identity.replace("*.", "."))
|| hostname.equals(identity.replace("*.", ""))))
|| hostname.equals(identity)) {
authenticationSuccessful(session, hostname, null);
return Status.authenticated;
else if (session instanceof LocalClientSession) {
// Client EXTERNALL login
Log.debug("SASLAuthentication: EXTERNAL authentication via SSL certs for c2s connection");
// This may be null, we will deal with that later
String username = new String(StringUtils.decodeBase64(doc.getTextTrim()), CHARSET);
String principal = "";
ArrayList<String> principals = new ArrayList<String>();
Connection connection = session.getConnection();
if (connection.getPeerCertificates().length < 1) {
Log.debug("SASLAuthentication: EXTERNAL authentication requested, but no certificates found.");
return Status.failed;
for (Certificate certificate : connection.getPeerCertificates()) {
if(principals.size() == 1) {
principal = principals.get(0);