private static JComponent getCaption() {
StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder("<html><table width=500px>Everytime a project is deployed to a " +
"Jitterbit server, a backup Jitterpak is uploaded to the server. A project backup is also stored " +
"locally on the client. There are two types of backups:<br><br>");
HtmlListGenerator list = HtmlListGenerator.unordered();
list.escapeAndAdd("Reference backups: ", HtmlStyleTag.BOLD);
list.escapeAndAdd("These backups are considered to be permanent; a permanent backup will never be " +
"deleted by the system. They provide snapshots of the project at a regular time interval, " +
"e.g. once a week.");
list.escapeAndAdd("Intermediate backups: ", HtmlStyleTag.BOLD);
list.escapeAndAdd("These backups are considered to be transient; they provide snapshots of the ongoing " +
"work on a project, typically within a single client session.");
html.append("The backup policy is defined by two parameters:<br><br>");
list = HtmlListGenerator.unordered();
list.escapeAndAdd("Reference frequency (in days): ", HtmlStyleTag.BOLD);
list.escapeAndAdd("When a new backup is made, the system checks how long time ago the last reference backup " +
"was made. If the last reference backup is older than the number of days defined by this property, " +
"the new backup is flagged as a reference backup. Otherwise the new backup is flagged as an " +
"intermediate backup. If this value is <= 0, all backups will be regarded as intermediate.");
list.escapeAndAdd("Max number of intermediate backups: ", HtmlStyleTag.BOLD);
list.escapeAndAdd("This property defines the maximum number of intermediate (non-reference) backups to keep on " +
"the client. Once this limit is exceeded, the oldest intermediate backups will be deleted. If this " +
"value is <= 0, no intermediate backups will be made.");
html.append("By setting both these parameters to 0, no backups will be created.");
html.append(HtmlStyleTag.BOLD.escapeAndWrap("NOTE: "));
html.append("These parameters control the policy of the local backups that are stored on the client. " +
"Each Jitterbit server has its own backup policy (in the current version controlled by " +