// Read the JiBX binding definition into memory. The binding definition
// is only prevalidated so as not to require the user to have all
// the referenced classes in the classpath, though this does make for
// added work in finding the namespaces.
ValidationContext vctx = BindingElement.newValidationContext();
binding = BindingElement.readBinding(new FileInputStream(file), path, vctx);
IncludePrevalidationVisitor ipv = new IncludePrevalidationVisitor(vctx);
vctx.tourTree(binding, ipv);
if (vctx.getErrorCount() != 0 || vctx.getFatalCount() != 0) {
ArrayList probs = vctx.getProblems();
System.err.println("Errors in generated binding:");
for (int j = 0; j < probs.size(); j++) {
ValidationProblem prob = (ValidationProblem)probs.get(j);
System.err.print(prob.getSeverity() >=
ValidationProblem.ERROR_LEVEL ? "Error: " : "Warning: ");