Package org.jgroups.stack

Examples of org.jgroups.stack.AckReceiverWindow


        ReceiverEntry entry=recv_table.get(sender);
        AckReceiverWindow win=entry != null? entry.received_msgs : null;

        if(first) {
            if(entry == null) {
                entry=getOrCreateReceiverEntry(sender, seqno, conn_id);
            else // entry != null && win != null
                if(conn_id != entry.recv_conn_id) {
                        log.trace(local_addr + ": conn_id=" + conn_id + " != " + entry.recv_conn_id + "; resetting receiver window");

                    ReceiverEntry entry2=recv_table.remove(sender);
                    if(entry2 != null)
                    entry=getOrCreateReceiverEntry(sender, seqno, conn_id);
                else {
        else { // entry == null && win == null OR entry != null && win == null OR entry != null && win != null
            if(win == null || entry.recv_conn_id != conn_id) {
                sendRequestForFirstSeqno(sender); // drops the message and returns (see below)

        byte result=win.add2(seqno, msg); // win is guaranteed to be non-null if we get here
        boolean added=result > 0;

        // Cannot be replaced with if(!added), see comment 15/Sep/09 06:57 AM

        // We *have* to do send the ACK, to cover the following scenario:
        // - A sends #3 to B
        // - B removes #3 and sends ACK(3) to A. B's next_to_remove is now 4
        // - B's ACK(3) to A is dropped by the network
        // - A keeps retransmitting #3 to B, until it gets an ACK(3)
        // -B will never ACK #3 if the 2 lines below are commented ==> endless retransmission of A's #3 !
        if(result == -1) { // only ack if seqno was < next_to_remove !
            sendAck(sender, seqno);

        // An OOB message is passed up immediately. Later, when remove() is called, we discard it. This affects ordering !
        if(msg.isFlagSet(Message.OOB) && added) {
            try {
            catch(Throwable t) {
                log.error("couldn't deliver OOB message " + msg, t);

        final AtomicBoolean processing=win.getProcessing();
        if(!processing.compareAndSet(false, true)) {

        // try to remove (from the AckReceiverWindow) as many messages as possible as pass them up

        // Prevents concurrent passing up of messages by different threads (;
        // this is all the more important once we have a concurrent stack (,
        // where lots of threads can come up to this point concurrently, but only 1 is allowed to pass at a time
        // We *can* deliver messages from *different* senders concurrently, e.g. reception of P1, Q1, P2, Q2 can result in
        // delivery of P1, Q1, Q2, P2: FIFO (implemented by UNICAST) says messages need to be delivered only in the
        // order in which they were sent by their senders
        try {
            while(true) {
                Tuple<List<Message>,Long> tuple=win.removeMany(max_msg_batch_size);
                if(tuple == null)
                List<Message> msgs=tuple.getVal1();
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    private ReceiverEntry getOrCreateReceiverEntry(Address sender, long seqno, long conn_id) {
        ReceiverEntry entry=new ReceiverEntry(new AckReceiverWindow(seqno), conn_id);
        ReceiverEntry entry2=recv_table.putIfAbsent(sender, entry);
        if(entry2 != null)
            return entry2;
            log.trace(local_addr + ": created receiver window for " + sender + " at seqno=#" + seqno + " for conn-id=" + conn_id);
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public class AckReceiverWindowTest {
    AckReceiverWindow win;

    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        win=new AckReceiverWindow(1);
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    public void testAdd() {
        Message m;
        win.reset(); // use a different window for this test method
        win=new AckReceiverWindow(10);
        Assert.assertEquals(0, win.size());
        win.add(9, msg());
        Assert.assertEquals(0, win.size());

        win.add(10, msg());
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    public static void testRemoveRegularMessages() {
        AckReceiverWindow win=new AckReceiverWindow(1);
        win.add(1, msg());
        System.out.println("win = " + win);
        System.out.println("win = " + win);
        assert win.size() == 0;

        win.add(3, msg());
        System.out.println("win = " + win);
        assert win.size() == 1;

        win.add(2, msg(true));
        System.out.println("win = " + win);

        assert win.size() == 1;
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        assert win.size() == 1;

    public static void testRemoveMany() {
        AckReceiverWindow win=new AckReceiverWindow(1);
        Tuple<List<Message>, Long> tuple=win.removeMany(100);
        assert tuple == null;

        win.add(2, msg());
        win.add(4, msg());
        assert tuple == null;

        win.add(3, msg());
        win.add(1, msg());

        List<Message> list=tuple.getVal1();
        assert list.size() == 4;
        assert tuple.getVal2() == 4;
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        assert tuple.getVal2() == 4;

    public static void testRemoveMany2() {
        AckReceiverWindow win=new AckReceiverWindow(1);
        for(int i=1; i <=50; i++)
            win.add(i, msg());
        System.out.println("win = " + win);
        List<Message> list=win.removeManyAsList(25);

        System.out.println("win = " + win);
        assert list != null && list.size() == 25;
        assert win.size() == 25;

        System.out.println("win = " + win);
        assert list != null && list.size() == 25;
        assert win.size() == 0;
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        assert win.size() == 0;

    public static void testSmallerThanNextToRemove() {
        AckReceiverWindow win=new AckReceiverWindow(1);
        Message msg;
        for(long i=1; i <= 5; i++)
            win.add(i, msg());
        System.out.println("win = " + win);
        boolean added=win.add(3, msg());
        assert !added;
        for(;;) {
            if(msg == null)
        added=win.add(3, msg());
        assert !added;
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        assert !added;

    public static void testConcurrentAdds() throws InterruptedException {
        AckReceiverWindow win=new AckReceiverWindow(1);
        final int NUM=100;
        final int NUM_THREADS=10;
        final CountDownLatch latch=new CountDownLatch(1);

        final Adder[] adders=new Adder[NUM_THREADS];
        for(int i=0; i < adders.length; i++) {
            adders[i]=new Adder(1, NUM, 10, win, latch);
        for(Adder adder: adders)


        for(Adder adder: adders)

        System.out.println("win = " + win);
        assert win.size() == NUM;
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        assert win.size() == NUM;

    public static void testConcurrentAddsAndRemoves() throws InterruptedException {
        AckReceiverWindow win=new AckReceiverWindow(1);
        final int NUM=100;
        final int NUM_THREADS=10;
        final CountDownLatch latch=new CountDownLatch(1);

        final Adder[] adders=new Adder[NUM_THREADS];
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Related Classes of org.jgroups.stack.AckReceiverWindow

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