if (view instanceof EdgeView) {
// ******** Start Path element **************
Element path = (Element) document.createElement("path");
EdgeView edge = (EdgeView) view;
path.setAttribute("fill", "none");
Color lineColor = GraphConstants.getLineColor(attributes);
String hexLineColor = null;
if (lineColor != null) {
hexLineColor = SVGUtils.getHexEncoding(lineColor);
} else {
path.setAttribute("stroke", hexLineColor);
float lineWidth = GraphConstants.getLineWidth(attributes);
path.setAttribute("stroke-width", String.valueOf(lineWidth));
// Dash pattern
float[] dash = GraphConstants.getDashPattern(attributes);
if (dash != null) {
// Convert float array to string
String dashValue = "";
for (int i = 0; i < dash.length; i++) {
Float wrapperFloat = new Float(dash[i]);
dashValue += wrapperFloat.toString();
if (i != dash.length-1) {
dashValue += ", ";
path.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", dashValue);
// Computes the d attribute
Point2D point = edge.getPoint(0);
String d = "M " + (point.getX() - dx) + " " + (point.getY() - dy);
for (int i = 1; i < edge.getPointCount(); i++) {
point = edge.getPoint(i);
d += " L " + (point.getX() - dx) + " " + (point.getY() - dy);
path.setAttribute("d", d);
int lineBegin = GraphConstants.getLineBegin(attributes);
int lineEnd = GraphConstants.getLineEnd(attributes);
String styleAttributes = new String("");
// TODO should draw arrows correctly instead of only having one type
if (true) {
styleAttributes += "marker-start: url(#endMarker);";
// Element startMarker = (Element) document.createElement("marker-start");
// startMarker.setAttribute("stroke", hexLineColor);
//// path.setAttribute("marker-start", "url(#endMarker)");
//// path.setAttribute("stroke", hexLineColor);
// href.appendChild(startMarker);
// TODO should draw arrows correctly instead of only having one type
if (true) {
styleAttributes += "marker-end: url(#startMarker);";
// path.setAttribute("marker-end", "url(#startMarker)");
// path.setAttribute("stroke", hexLineColor);
styleAttributes += " stroke: " + hexLineColor + ";";
path.setAttribute("style", styleAttributes);
// Finds center point for labels
Point center = null;
int mid = edge.getPointCount() / 2;
if (edge.isLoop()) {
Point2D tmp = edge.getPoint(0);
Point2D tmp2 = edge.getLabelVector();
center = new Point((int) (tmp.getX() + tmp2.getX() - dx),
(int) (tmp.getY() + tmp2.getY() - dy));
} else if (edge.getPointCount() % 2 == 1) {
Point2D tmp = edge.getPoint(mid);
center = new Point((int) (tmp.getX() - dx),
(int) (tmp.getY() - dy));
} else {
Point2D p1 = edge.getPoint(mid - 1);
Point2D p2 = edge.getPoint(mid);
center = new Point((int) (p1.getX() + (p2.getX() - p1.getX())
/ 2 - dx), (int) (p1.getY() + (p2.getY() - p1.getY())
/ 2 - dy));