// This aligns all direct childs. Once that is finished, we have to
// check, whether possibly existing inner-paragraphs are still valid
// or whether moving them violated any of the inner-pagebreak constraints.
final VerticalAlignmentProcessor processor = new VerticalAlignmentProcessor();
final ComputedLayoutProperties blp = inlineRenderBox.getComputedLayoutProperties();
final long insetTop = (blp.getBorderTop() + blp.getPaddingTop());
final long contentAreaY1 = inlineRenderBox.getY() + insetTop;
final RenderLength lineHeight = inlineRenderBox.getLineHeight();
final ComputedLayoutProperties clp = inlineRenderBox.getComputedLayoutProperties();
final RenderLength bcw = clp.getBlockContextWidth();
processor.align (boxAlignContext, contentAreaY1,