Package org.jets3t.service.model

Examples of org.jets3t.service.model.StorageBucket

     * the bucket in your account.
     * @throws ServiceException
    public StorageBucket getOrCreateBucket(String bucketName) throws ServiceException {
        StorageBucket bucket = getBucket(bucketName);
        if (bucket == null) {
            // Bucket does not exist in this user's account, create it.
            bucket = createBucket(bucketName);
        return bucket;
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        Map<String, Object> map = createObjectImpl(bucketName, null, null,
                requestEntity, metadata, null, acl, null, null);

        StorageBucket bucket = newBucket();
        return bucket;
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            throw new SynchronizeException("Action string must be 'UP' or 'DOWN'");

        this.cryptoPassword = cryptoPassword;

        StorageBucket bucket = null;
        if (storageService.getProviderCredentials() == null) {
            // Using an anonymous connection, don't check bucket ownership or attempt to create it.
            bucket = new StorageBucket(bucketName);
        } else {
            // Using an authentication connection, so check for bucket ownership and create one if necessary.
            try {
                bucket = storageService.getBucket(bucketName);
            } catch (ServiceException e) {
                // Don't give up if we cannot find our bucket in an account listing via ListAllBuckets,
                // since the whole account may not be accessible but the bucket itself may be.

            if (bucket == null) {
                // Bucket does not exist in this user's account or is inaccessible, try creating it.
                try {
                    bucket = storageService.createBucket(new StorageBucket(bucketName));
                } catch (ServiceException e) {
                    // Bucket could not be created, either someone else already owns it
                    // or we don't have create permissions.
                    try {
                        // Let's see if we can at least access the bucket...
                        storageService.listObjectsChunked(bucketName, null, null, 1, null, false);
                        // ... if we get this far we're dealing with a
                        // bucket we can read. That's fine, let's proceed.
                        bucket = new StorageBucket(bucketName);
                    } catch (ServiceException e2) {
                        // We can't create or access this bucket, time to give up.
                        throw new SynchronizeException(
                            "Unable to create or access bucket: " + bucketName, e);
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        return new RestS3Service(credentials, null, null, properties);

    public void testUrlSigning() throws Exception {
        RestS3Service service = (RestS3Service) getStorageService(getCredentials());
        StorageBucket bucket = createBucketForTest("testUrlSigning");
        String bucketName = bucket.getName();

        try {
            // Create test object, with private ACL
            String dataString = "Text for the URL Signing test object...";
            S3Object object = new S3Object("Testing URL Signing", dataString);
            object.addMetadata(service.getRestMetadataPrefix() + "example-header", "example-value");

            // Determine what the time will be in 5 minutes.
            Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
            cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 5);
            Date expiryDate = cal.getTime();

            // Create a signed HTTP PUT URL.
            String signedPutUrl = service.createSignedPutUrl(bucket.getName(), object.getKey(),
                object.getMetadataMap(), expiryDate, false);

            // Put the object in S3 using the signed URL (no AWS credentials required)
            RestS3Service restS3Service = new RestS3Service(null);
            restS3Service.putObjectWithSignedUrl(signedPutUrl, object);

            // Ensure the object was created.
            StorageObject objects[] = service.listObjects(bucketName, object.getKey(), null);
            assertEquals("Signed PUT URL failed to put/create object", objects.length, 1);

            // Change the object's content-type and ensure the signed PUT URL disallows the put.
            try {
                restS3Service.putObjectWithSignedUrl(signedPutUrl, object);
                fail("Should not be able to use a signed URL for an object with a changed content-type");
            } catch (ServiceException e) {

            // Add an object header and ensure the signed PUT URL disallows the put.
            object.addMetadata(service.getRestMetadataPrefix() + "example-header-2", "example-value");
            try {
                restS3Service.putObjectWithSignedUrl(signedPutUrl, object);
                fail("Should not be able to use a signed URL for an object with changed metadata");
            } catch (ServiceException e) {
                object.removeMetadata(service.getRestMetadataPrefix() + "example-header-2");

            // Change the object's name and ensure the signed PUT URL uses the signed name, not the object name.
            String originalName = object.getKey();
            object.setKey("Testing URL Signing 2");
            object.setDataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(dataString.getBytes()));
            object = restS3Service.putObjectWithSignedUrl(signedPutUrl, object);
            assertEquals("Ensure returned object key is renamed based on signed PUT URL",
                originalName, object.getKey());

            // Test last-resort MD5 sanity-check for uploaded object when ETag is missing.
            S3Object objectWithoutETag = new S3Object("Object Without ETag");
            String objectWithoutETagSignedPutURL = service.createSignedPutUrl(
                bucket.getName(), objectWithoutETag.getKey(), objectWithoutETag.getMetadataMap(),
                expiryDate, false);
            objectWithoutETag.setDataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(dataString.getBytes()));
            restS3Service.putObjectWithSignedUrl(objectWithoutETagSignedPutURL, objectWithoutETag);
            service.deleteObject(bucketName, objectWithoutETag.getKey());

            // Ensure we can't get the object with a normal URL.
            String s3Url = "";
            URL url = new URL(s3Url + "/" + bucket.getName() + "/" + RestUtils.encodeUrlString(object.getKey()));
            assertEquals("Expected denied access (403) error", 403, ((HttpURLConnection) url

            // Create a signed HTTP GET URL.
            String signedGetUrl = service.createSignedGetUrl(bucket.getName(), object.getKey(),
                expiryDate, false);

            // Ensure the signed URL can retrieve the object.
            url = new URL(signedGetUrl);
            HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
            assertEquals("Expected signed GET URL ("+ signedGetUrl +") to retrieve object with response code 200",
                200, conn.getResponseCode());

            // Sanity check the data in the S3 object.
            String objectData = (new BufferedReader(
                new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream())))
            assertEquals("Unexpected data content in S3 object", dataString, objectData);

            // Confirm we got the expected Content-Type
            assertEquals("text/html", conn.getHeaderField("content-type"));

            // Modify response data via special "response-*" request parameters
            signedGetUrl = service.createSignedUrl("GET", bucket.getName(), object.getKey(),
                null, // No headers
                (expiryDate.getTime() / 1000) // Expiry time after epoch in seconds
            url = new URL(signedGetUrl);
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    public void testMultipartUtils() throws Exception {
        RestS3Service service = (RestS3Service) getStorageService(getCredentials());
        StorageBucket bucket = createBucketForTest("testMultipartUtilities");
        String bucketName = bucket.getName();

        try {
            // Ensure constructor enforces sanity constraints
            try {
                new MultipartUtils(MultipartUtils.MIN_PART_SIZE - 1);
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    public void testMultipartUploads() throws Exception {
        RestS3Service service = (RestS3Service) getStorageService(getCredentials());
        StorageBucket bucket = createBucketForTest("testMultipartUploads");
        String bucketName = bucket.getName();

        try {
            // Check stripping of double-quote characters from etag
            MultipartPart testEtagSanitized = new MultipartPart(
                1, new Date(), "\"fakeEtagWithDoubleQuotes\"", 0l);
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    public void testMultipartUploadWithConvenienceMethod() throws Exception {
        RestS3Service service = (RestS3Service) getStorageService(getCredentials());
        StorageBucket bucket = createBucketForTest("testMultipartUploadWithConvenienceMethod");
        String bucketName = bucket.getName();

        try {
            int fiveMB = 5 * 1024 * 1024;

            byte[] testDataOverLimit = new byte[fiveMB + 100];
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    public void testS3WebsiteConfig() throws Exception {
        // Testing takes place in the us-west-1 location
        S3Service s3Service = (S3Service) getStorageService(getCredentials());
        StorageBucket bucket = createBucketForTest(
            // Standard US Bucket location
        String bucketName = bucket.getName();

        String s3WebsiteURL = "http://" + bucketName + "."
            // Website location must correspond to bucket location, in this case
            // the US Standard. For website endpoints see:
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    public void testNotificationConfig() throws Exception {
        // Testing takes place in the us-west-1 location
        S3Service s3Service = (S3Service) getStorageService(getCredentials());
        StorageBucket bucket = createBucketForTest("testNotificationConfig");
        String bucketName = bucket.getName();

        try {
            // Check no existing notification config
            NotificationConfig notificationConfig =
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    public void testServerSideEncryption() throws Exception {
        S3Service s3Service = (S3Service) getStorageService(getCredentials());
        StorageBucket bucket = createBucketForTest("testServerSideEncryption");
        String bucketName = bucket.getName();

        try {
            // NONE server-side encryption variable == null
            assertEquals(S3Object.SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION__NONE, null);
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Related Classes of org.jets3t.service.model.StorageBucket

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