Represents Bucket Logging Status settings used to control bucket-based Server Access Logging in Google Storage.
For logging to be enabled for a bucket both the targetBucketName and logfilePrefix must be non-null, and the named bucket must exist. When both variables are non-null, this object represents an enabled logging status (as indicated by {@link #isLoggingEnabled()}) and the XML document generated by {@link #toXml()} will enable logging for the named bucket whenprovided to {@link GoogleStorageService#setBucketLoggingStatus(String,GSBucketLoggingStatus)}
If either the targetBucketName or logfilePrefix are null, this object will represent a disabled logging status (as indicated by {@link #isLoggingEnabled()}) and the XML document generated by {@link #toXml()} will disable logging for the named bucket whenprovided to {@link GoogleStorageService#setBucketLoggingStatus(String,GSBucketLoggingStatus)}.
@author James Murty