if (cBuilder == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Without builder no channel can "
+ "be created.");
Date dateParsed = new Date();
Namespace defNS = ParserUtils.getDefaultNS(root);
if (defNS == null) {
defNS = Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE;
logger.info("No default namespace found.");
// RSS 1.0 Dublin Core Module namespace
Namespace dcNS = ParserUtils.getNamespace(root, "dc");
// fall back to default name space (for retrieving descriptions)
if (dcNS == null) {
dcNS = defNS;
// RSS 1.0 Syndication Module namespace
Namespace syNS = ParserUtils.getNamespace(root, "sy");
// RSS 1.0 Aggregation Module namespace
Namespace agNS = ParserUtils.getNamespace(root, "ag");
// RSS 1.0 Administration Module namespace
Namespace adminNS = ParserUtils.getNamespace(root, "admin");
// RSS 1.0 DCTerms Module namespace
Namespace dctermsNS = ParserUtils.getNamespace(root, "dcterms");
// RSS 1.0 Annotation Module namespace
Namespace annotateNS = ParserUtils.getNamespace(root, "annotate");
// RSS091 Module namespace
Namespace rss091NS = ParserUtils.getNamespace(root, "rss091");
// Content namespace
Namespace contentNS = ParserUtils.getNamespace(root, "content");
ParserUtils.matchCaseOfChildren(root, new String[] { "channel", "item",
"image", "textinput" });
// Get the channel element (only one occurs)