public <T extends CellServerState> T getDefaultCellServerState(
Properties props) {
// Create a setup with some default values
PhoneCellServerState cellServerState = new PhoneCellServerState();
cellServerState.setPhoneInfo(new PhoneInfo(false, "100", "foo",
"Unknown location", .2, .1, true, true));
* Try rotating 45 degrees to see what that does.
//Vector3f axis = new Vector3f((float) 1, (float) 0, (float) 0);
//cellServerState.setRotation(new Rotation(axis, (float) Math.PI / 4));
BoundingBox box = new BoundingBox(
new Vector3f(0, 0, 0), 0.27053905F, 0.060000006F, 0.27053908F);
BoundingVolumeHint hint = new BoundingVolumeHint(true, box);
"New Virtual Phone!!!!");
return (T) cellServerState;